Grandmother throw granddaughter in a well to take revenge on her daughter-in-law

A 55-year-old woman, Aisha Ibrahim, was apprehended by Nigerian state police for killing her two-year-old granddaughter in Karaya Fulani camp in Nigeria.

According to reports, the suspect had tied the girl up with a rope and threw her inside the well on her compound just to take revenge on the mother of the deceased, who is her daughter-in-law.

Report unveil that the incident occurred when her son, Bello Ibrahim, and his wife left their child in her custody to attend a baptism in a nearby village.

According to Northern City News, which explains that the suspect and her daughter-in-law had been at odds for some time before the incident.

The grandmother, from Funtua, Katsina State, told Punch that since her son married his wife, there were many unresolved issues.

“I told my son to divorce his wife but he did not listen to me. My daughter-in-law likes to insult me ​​and attack me all the time and the only way to pay her back was to tie her daughter up with the rope and throw her inside a well so that she feels the pains.”

“We lived in peace as a big family before my son married her; I have 12 children and we all live in the same yard; she can not come out of nowhere and come to destroy the family that I have gathered for years in suffering, it is unacceptable,” explained the mother of the husband.

When asked if she felt remorse for killing her granddaughter, Aisha said: “It was the temptation, I do not know when I did it, I can not say it but may Allah forgive me.”

“Honestly, it was a nasty act that can never be accepted anywhere in the world,” she admitted.

Police public relations officer, Muhammad Abubakar confirmed the incident, saying the suspect had confessed to the crime and said he regretted it.

Abubakar told Northern City News that she would be brought to justice after an investigation.

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