2 rockets were fired near the American embassy in Baghdad

The rocket attacks against the Green Zone come the day Iraqi Prime Minister al-Kazimi returned from Washington, where he obtained the announcement of the “end of the US combat mission” in Iraq.

Two rockets targeted on July 29 at dawn the ultra-secure Baghdad Green Zone, where the American embassy is located, without causing any casualties or damage, an Iraqi security source told AFP.

The rocket attacks against the Green Zone come the day Iraqi Prime Minister al-Kazimi returned from Washington, where he obtained the announcement of the “end of the US combat mission” in Iraq.

Joe Biden announced a “new phase” for the 2,500 troops still deployed in Iraq, with a mission exclusively focused on training Iraqi troops and sharing intelligence. But no withdrawal of troops has been announced.

The announcement was welcomed by the political wing of the pro-Iran coalition in Iraq, but not by the more radical groups.

In a statement released Wednesday, a “Coordinating Committee of Iraqi Resistance Factions” denounced “manipulation intended to extend the American presence” in Iraq.

“There is no American withdrawal,” adds the text, demanding the departure of all foreign forces and the transfer of the military bases of the international coalition to the Iraqi army. “The resistance will continue its activities until a real withdrawal,” the statement added.

The international anti-terrorism coalition in Iraq still has 3,500 foreign soldiers, including 2,500 Americans.

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