Prophet magaya charging $500 to sit on anointed chairs [Photos]

In Zimbabwe, Prophet Magaya has claimed that “Salvation is not free”, thereby charging $500 (K5,300) to any faithful that will sit on the anointed chairs. The anointed seats will make you rich within 5 years.

The Zimbabwean Prophet Walter Magaya has defended his latest move of charging $500 (K5,300) to each person wanting to sit on his anointed chairs saying “salvation is not free”.

The prophet admitted charging K5,300 to each faithful wanting to sit on the anointed chair in his church saying people who pay that kind of money will have 10 times such amount of money in 5 months. He said after paying that $500, the congregants are free to go with the chair to their various homes and it will continue being a magical chair up to 5 years and by that time, the person will be ten times richer.

Thousands of people regardless whether they are saved or not have been flocking to Prophet Magaya’s church in Zimbabwe in order to sit on the anointed chair and pay $500 to him and to get 10 times richer within 5 years.

“Salvation is not free,” he says

Prophet magaya charging $500 to sit on anointed chairs [Photos]
Prophet magaya charging $500 to sit on anointed chairs [Photos]

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