How crazy corona fears are: commuters in London, China creatively protect themselves

No! It’s not craziness, but the fear of being infected with the coronavirus. Because of that, commuters in London and the Chinese metro take somewhat drastic measures.

The metro in the British capital transports up to five million people a day on busy days. Due to the heavy traffic, passengers are inevitably close to each other. Photos of travelers wearing gas masks and other creative solutions appear on social media.

The number of Covid-19 cases in the United Kingdom is 85, of which eighty in England.
How crazy corona fears are: commuters in London, China creatively protect themselves

The photo below went viral on Chinese social media. A passenger from a Chinese metro wears a mouth mask and does not take any risks: a cut water bottle acts as extra protection.

How crazy corona fears are: commuters in London, China creatively protect themselves

We doubt whether a pamper can serve as a protective mask. The photo below may have been taken in Hong Kong.

How crazy corona fears are: commuters in London, China creatively protect themselves

And to conclude: who says that an old bra cannot get a second life as a mouth mask?

How crazy corona fears are: commuters in London, China creatively protect themselves

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