At least 32 died in a train crash in Egypt

At least 32 people were killed in a train crash in Egypt. 84 others were injured. President Abdul Fatah al-Sisi promises a “deterrent sanction” to anyone responsible for the deadly collision.

According to the Egyptian Ministry of Health, the crash happened near the city of Tahta in Sohag province, about 460 kilometers south of Cairo.

According to the Transport Ministry, some passengers pulled the emergency brake on the first train, causing it to stop and be crushed by the second train, Egypt Today Magazine reports. The identity of the perpetrators is still unknown.

Egyptian President Abdul Fatah al-Sisi responds sternly: “Those who caused this painful accident through negligence or corruption or for any reason should receive a dissuasive sanction, without exception or delay.”

View some images of the train crash below. Beware, these images can be experienced as shocking.

Egypt’s railways have a bad reputation. They would be mismanaged and maintained. According to the latest official figures, there were 1,793 accidents involving trains in the country in 2017.

The deadliest crash was in 2002 after a fire broke out on a train traveling from Cairo to southern Egypt. Then more than 300 people died.

At least 32 died in a train crash in Egypt

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