After more than 200 deaths, peace seems to have returned in South Africa

After a week of violence, the security situation in South Africa appears to be under control on Saturday. Thousands of volunteers have volunteered to help clean up.

Chaos broke out in large areas in South Africa after the conviction and imprisonment of former President Jacob Zuma more than a week ago. The protests resulted in looting, arson, and violence. At least 212 people have died, according to South African President Cyril Ramaphosa. Thousands of soldiers were mobilized.

President Ramaphosa said Friday that the protests and looting were provoked: “There are people who planned and coordinated this”.

After more than 200 deaths, peace seems to have returned in South Africa

“We are going to persecute them, we have identified many of them, we are not allowing anarchy and chaos in the country,” Ramaphosa said. The police are investigating twelve people suspected of being behind the derailment of the violence.

In total, more than 2,550 people have been arrested in the past week, including for theft.

After more than 200 deaths, peace seems to have returned in South Africa

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