Zimbabwe: Mugabe’s son-in-law arrested by police

The son-in-law of Zimbabwe’s former president, Robert Mugabe, was taken into custody on Thursday for holding a ZimAirways lawyer hostage.

Simba Chikore, the husband of Mugabe’s only daughter, Bona, was arrested following a labor dispute, police said.

Simba Chikore, the son-in-law of former Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, was arrested by police on Thursday for alleged kidnapping of his lawyer following a dispute over a labor dispute.

The lawyer, Bertha Zakeyo, a controversially owned Zimbabwe Airways (ZimAirways) employee, told the police that Chikore had locked her in the office.

Indeed, since the creation of ZimAirways last year, her property has been tainted with controversy with speculation that she belongs to the Mugabe family.

Police spokeswoman Charity Charamba confirmed the events in Bulawayo24 on Thursday.

“He was arrested today (Thursday) and a statement after warning was recorded following a report from his lawyer who reported a kidnapping,” she said.

She also said that the night before, Chikore was still answering questions from the authorities at the Highlands Police Station, helping the police to gather details in the case.

Ms. Charamba stated that the information they had gathered so far confirmed that Chikore had labor disputes with his lawyer.

Since the details are still inconclusive, the police have stated that they will not be able to publish a full statement on the case later.

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