How scientists accidentally discovered the first highly developed human civilization in Africa

Africa today, unfortunately, is perceived by many as in the Middle Ages – as a kind of wild land. Savages live here, constantly fighting among themselves; epidemics are raging, and children are starving. It is even difficult for some to imagine that before the arrival of the white colonialists, their own culture and civilization already existed here.

It is even more difficult to imagine that this civilization was highly developed, possessing scientific knowledge that Europeans could not even dream of. Moreover, archaeologists have discovered one of the first highly organized and highly developed civilizations in the heart of Africa…

Wild lands inhabited by crazy savages?

Nok village in Kaduna State, Nigeria
Nok village in Kaduna State, Nigeria

It even sounds ridiculous today, but that’s what all Europeans thought in the Middle Ages, and even today, some people are guilty of such blatant narrow-mindedness and snobbery. Africa is a continent of contrasts beyond any doubt. Incredible, fabulous wealth borders on equally incredible, but not fabulous poverty. It’s a shame that it was the colonialists who left such an unsightly mark on the history of the development of a continent that had its way.

Agricultural lands were ruined because they stored minerals in their depths. The locals have been serving as a commodity for several centuries. Today’s civilized Europeans don’t like to remember this, as well as how everything was looted, and history textbooks were written in a way beneficial to the elites of Europe. This is how a fundamentally erroneous opinion was formed about a certain wildness and underdevelopment of the inhabitants of these lands.

Modern history is replete with previously little-known facts that have been brought to light, refuting established stereotypes and exciting discoveries in this field. For example, in 1928, in the small village of Nok, in the center of Africa, Nigeria, tin miners stumbled upon something amazing.

They discovered a vast number of unique terracotta statues. Since then, excavations have been carried out at this site several times. Recent studies have shown that these ancient artifacts date back to the period from the 10th to the 5th century BC. Scientists say that this ancient civilization, which is named after the place where it was discovered, Nok, was one of the first highly developed civilizations on Earth.

At one time, the Nok were an extremely developed society with one of the most complex judicial systems and a highly developed culture. They were also identified as the first producers of life-size terracotta sculptures in sub-Saharan Africa. Archaeologists have also found stone tools, rock carvings, and iron tools, including elaborately forged spearheads, fine jewelry, and small knives. An ancient civilization arose around the 10th century BC and mysteriously disappeared in the 2nd century.

Terracotta statues

Terracotta statues
Terracotta statues

Terracotta statues are the most mysterious and intriguing aspect of Nok culture. Archaeologists describe them as “extraordinary, amazing, ageless, timeless, and almost extraterrestrial.” The figures are distinguished by elongated heads, almond-shaped sunken eyes, and parted lips. These unusual features are particularly perplexing, given that the statues were constructed with precise proportions of the head, body, and legs, leading some to use the term “extraterrestrial species” when describing them.

Some ceramic figurines of the Nok culture depict people with physical illnesses such as elephantiasis or facial nerve paralysis. The exact purpose of these “sick” images remains unknown today. They may have intended to protect against diseases, but this is still speculation.

Microscopic examination of the clay used to make the terracotta shows that it is remarkably uniform throughout the Nok, suggesting that it was extracted from the same undiscovered source. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M . For the full article. Little is known about the purpose of these unusual sculptures. Some scientists have suggested that the statues were used as amulets to prevent crop failures, diseases, and infertility. At the same time, others believe that they represent people of high status who were worshipped.

Of course, the creation of life-size terracotta statues is far from the only evidence of their society’s development. Research has shown that the Nok people had a highly developed management system to ensure law and order, among other things.

Advanced metalworking

Advanced metalworking of Nok
Advanced metalworking of Nok

The Nok civilization is well known for its impressive metalworking skills, which were incredibly advanced for their time. Artisans made highly complex products from iron and copper alloys, ranging from weapons and tools to art objects and jewelry. Their metalworking methods included casting, forging, and welding, which allowed them to produce objects of various sizes and complexity.

Many of their metalwork was richly decorated with intricate patterns and designs, such as geometric shapes and stylized animals, demonstrating their high artistic abilities. All their creations are not just complicated objects but things of luxurious aesthetics.The metalworking skills of the residents of Nok were also an essential factor in their economy and social status. They traded their metal products with neighboring nations, which helped them gain a reputation as skilled craftsmen.

The ability to produce iron tools and weapons gave the people of Nok an advantage over their neighbors, allowing them to clear more land for farming and protecting their communities. The production of metal objects also played a significant role in developing social hierarchy, as those with access to metal products were considered more powerful and important in society.

The judicial system of the Nok civilization

Nok civilization
Nok civilization

Scientists say that the Nok people had their judicial system long before the emergence of such practices in Europe. For the ancestors of Nigerians, all kinds of cases were tried in the courts, from minor civil cases such as family disputes and false accusations to criminal cases such as theft, murder, and adultery. It was popularly believed that every crime entails a curse that can destroy the entire family or society, so it must be discovered and fairly punished to avoid serious consequences.

It looked like this: the suspect appeared before an open court for the traditional swearing-in. He stood between two monoliths facing the sun, the supreme god named Nome. After that, he swore an oath to tell the truth. Cases that could not be resolved in open Court were referred to the High Court, which sat in a closed church.

The high priest and the heads of the various clans presided there. Anyone found guilty was fined with goats and chickens for sacrifice to the gods and local wine for the chief priest. Then, the city announced a day of celebration, when people thanked the gods for their mercy in successfully solving the problem and preventing the loss of life.

Mysterious disappearance

Mysterious disappearance
Mysterious disappearance

For unknown reasons, the once-thriving civilization disappeared very quickly and unexpectedly. Archaeologists were told about this by a sharp decrease in pottery and terracotta in the soil layers. It seems that the Nok people suddenly died out or disappeared. After 200 BC, no archaeological evidence of their existence has been found. Scientists have not yet been able to solve the mystery of the disappearance of such a great civilization.

Historians have made various assumptions, including traditional climate change and overexploitation of natural resources. Some believe there was some epidemic, famine, or invasion by foreigners. For the most part, everything that is known about the Nok civilization consists of questions that modern science cannot answer.

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