All in Sub-Sahara: 18 African countries most affected by hunger

World Food Programme, an agency of the United Nations, recently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because of its efforts to feed the poorest. Out of the 20 affected countries, 18 are from sub-Saharan Africa

The announcement was published in its recent 2020 report. But that report indicates how much of the average daily per capita income should be spent on a plate of rice and beans. Of the 20 worst-off countries, 18 are in sub-Saharan Africa.

The country at the top of this ranking is Southern Sudan, where one person spends 186% of his daily earnings on such a simple dish, followed by the Burundian, who spends almost half of his daily income on it.

Below is the list of the ranking:

  1. South Sudan: 186%
  2. Burundi: 43%
  3. Malawi: 35%
  4. Haiti: 34.96% **
  5. Sudan: 28.68%
  6. Mali: 23%
  7. Mozambique: 21.89%
  8. Zimbabwe: 21.88%
  9. Democratic Republic of the Congo: 20.82%
  10. Congo-Brazzaville: 15.22%
  11. Burkina Faso: 13.7%
  12. Lesotho: 12.89%
  13. Tajikistan: 12.77% **
  14. Gambia: 12.44%
  15. Rwanda: 9.92%
  16. Tanzania: 9.44%
  17. Uganda: 9.30%
  18. Benin: 8.86%
  19. Zambia: 8.81%
  20. Mauritania: 7.92%
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