Art goes wrong: Catholic work of art in a bizarre, modern look

An Effigy of Mary with eyeliner, a cross-eyed patron saint in bright pink and a Playmobil-Jesus in a fluorescent jacket. No, the kitcherige restoration of a work of art in El Ranadoiro, a hamlet in northern Spain, is not exactly successful.

Although the strikingly colored wooden statues from the 15th century can count on a lot of joy, there is also a lot of criticism. “How is it possible for God’s sake?”, It sounds with professional restorers. They cannot laugh at the fact that there was again flattering in restoration work.

Local resident Maria Luisa Menendez nevertheless meant it well. She got permission from the parish priest of the small village to give the images a lick of paint. She also took a different picture of Peter and second work with Mary and the child Jesus. “The paint job was really necessary,” she told the AFP news agency. “I did as well as I could, with colors that seemed nice to me. The neighbors also liked it.”

Art goes wrong: Catholic work of art in a bizarre, modern look

“It looks more like revenge than a restoration,” complains the regional minister for Culture, Genaro Alonso. It is still unclear whether Ms. Menendes’ paint can be removed again.

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