Attack in Zimbabwe: President Mnangagwa points to Grace Mugabe’s camp

In Zimbabwe, the investigation continues after the attack last Saturday at a meeting of President Mnangagwa.

An unidentified explosive device exploded, two people were killed and dozens wounded.

This is the first such drama in Zimbabwe’s contemporary history. But five days later, there is still no claim.

This does not prevent Emerson Mnangagwa from accusing the supporters of the former first lady, Grace Mugabe.

This is the conclusion that pulls the head of state after the explosion at the stadium of Bulawayo. The attack is the work of “people dissatisfied with the current democratic government of the country,” he said in an interview broadcast on Wednesday by correspondent from the BBC.

“My intuition, without any proof, is that these people(…) are the G40”. A reference to the 40 group Generation, a faction of the ruling party, Zanu-Pf, favoring the wife of former President Robert Mugabe and who tried to destabilize the current head of state.

So Emmerson Mnagagwa says it himself, he has no proof of what he is saying. But one month before the presidential election, scheduled for July 30, point fingers of Grace Mugabe supporters has a significant electoral significance.

Emerson Mnangagwa is running for his own estate while Grace Mugabe is not in the running. But known for his anger and love of luxury, “Gucci Grace”, as the Zimbabweans call it, has crystallized a lot of hatred among the population.

The fear of seeing his supporters at the head of the country is lively. The ambitions of Grace Mugabe had forced her husband to resign in November 2017.

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