Have you ever walked into a room and realized you had forgotten why you came? Or did you painfully remember the name of a new acquaintance a minute after you started talking? Believe me, everyone has been in a similar situation at least once. In a world where information flows like a river, the ability to memorize can be called a real superpower. Keep proven ways that will help you stop being forgetful and absent-minded.
10 daily behaviours to eliminate forgetfulness
1. Take care of your sleep
Sleep is not a luxury but a “reboot.” During 7-9 hours of rest, your brain strengthens neural connections, sorts memories, and prepares for new achievements. To sleep better, turn off your gadgets about an hour before bed, as blue light interferes with the production of melatonin, which is necessary for a good night’s rest. Instead of scrolling through social networks, take an interesting book or listen to a podcast. We’ve told you more about how to get quality sleep here.
2. Drink water
The brain is seventy-five percent water. If you forget to maintain the right level of hydration, fog in the head and blackouts in memory will not take long to wait. If you don’t like drinking water too much, go for tricks; for example, buy a cool bottle to carry with you, and also look for ways to make the process more enjoyable — add a slice of lemon, mint, or frozen berries to the water.
3. Include foods that are good for memory in your diet
What you eat directly affects the health of your brain and cognitive functions. Never skip meals to eliminate forgetfulness — memory is unlikely to work well without trace elements from food. It is also important to add foods to the diet that can be called “fuel” for the brain. These include: — blueberries, rich in essential antioxidants; — salmon and avocado, as omega-3 in their composition protects neurons; — walnuts, containing vitamin E, which slows down brain aging; — dark chocolate, from 70% — flavonoids in its composition enhance blood flow.
4. Move your body
Any physical activity improves blood flow, which delivers more oxygen to the muscles and brain, meaning that memory and other cognitive functions work better afterward. To stop being distracted, make exercise, dancing, and walking an integral part of your life. Your memory ability improves in just half an hour of daily activity. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M. For the full article. By the way, there is a great way to move forward and eliminate negative feelings — to carry out aggressive cleaning. We talked more about her here.
5. Blocklist stress
Indeed, you’ve ever felt your brain “shut down” under stress, so you can’t remember what you planned for the evening or wanted to do now. The problem lies in the fact that stress kills the cells of the hippocampus, the area responsible for memory. Use grounding techniques daily to avoid trouble or other stress management techniques if you want to stop forgetting essential things.
6. Train your brain like muscles
For the brain to remain active and the memory to strengthen, you must give it a load. It’s like with muscles: you see the result only with regular exercise. Solve Sudoku, play chess on your phone, install an app where you need to memorize and guess pictures — even ten minutes of such exercises a day have an effect. It is also helpful for learning poetry and other languages. A good exercise would be “active recollection”: sit on the couch in the evening and try to recall in detail at least one situation from the past day and then the whole day.
7. Use mnemonic techniques
Use mnemonic techniques to stop being distracted and quickly remember what you forgot. For example, you can create rhymes for the names of people you are trying to remember to create a “starting point” and quickly restore them to memory when needed. Equally compelling is associating words or objects that have nothing in common. Why is this necessary? This is how you’ll remember the information because it looks ridiculous, which means it’s more interesting.
8. Chat
Even if you are an introvert or not very good at communication, you must try to communicate with people. Even a tiny, non-committal dialogue with a stranger in a store makes the neurons “burn” and create new connections. This, in turn, strengthens memory. And in general, communication is one of the best ways to make your brain work harder.
9. Do one thing at a time
Multitasking can ruin even a person with a perfect memory. When overloaded, you think much worse than doing one thing at a time. So, it’s better to make a good schedule for the day instead of grabbing all the tasks simultaneously. This way, it will be easier to remember the necessary information and not forget anything.
10. Write by hand
Taking notes on your phone is convenient, but writing in a notebook can give you much more. When you write by hand, you use different areas of the brain and train them. So, if you want to stop being distracted and constantly forgetting about something important, get a diary and fill it with valuable lists and inspiring quotes that set you up positively.