Family members who should stay away from as much as possible

You’ve probably heard the saying that you don’t choose your family. Unfortunately, this is true, but still, you should not put up with relatives who poison your life. Sometimes, it’s better to break off a relationship than to live in an atmosphere of toxicity and total disrespect for oneself. Or at least distance yourself from some relatives as much as possible. He
5 family members to avoid at all costs
1. Those who constantly need something from you
It’s great to feel needed, unique, and loved. But it’s worth straining when family members constantly expect you to drop everything you do to rush to their aid. Succumbing to such an influence, sooner or later, you will notice how life becomes exhausting and seemingly not your own. Of course, no one is talking about denying all their relatives help. But suppose service requests are constant and look like manipulation, and relatives habitually show up at your house uninvited.
In that case, it’s time to try to set boundaries in the relationship and, from time to time, tell them “no.” And if that doesn’t work, distance yourself from them as much as possible. It is essential to avoid family members who constantly ask for money and make you feel obligated to become their bank. Sometimes, saying no is the best help you can give another person instead of being an accomplice to someone else’s financial illiteracy, teaching a relative a lesson, and suggesting that it’s time to deal with money problems.
2. Those who constantly criticize you

Each of us has a relative who constantly finds fault. Perhaps he’s not doing this to upset you but because he’s worried and cares about you to some extent, though not in the most pleasant way. But on the other hand, constant criticism and condemnation of you can be a reflection of the toxic nature of your family member. Visit. A F R I N I K .C O M .For the full article .It’s hard enough to manage your own sometimes shaky self-esteem when someone close to you constantly talks about what’s wrong with you and what you’re wrong about. It makes you feel guilty, misunderstood, and evil, negatively affecting your confidence.
It is impossible to avoid a family member who speaks the language of criticism altogether. You must communicate with him as little as possible or learn not to take negative comments personally. Let’s give you a simple tip on interacting with someone criticizing you: keep an outward calm, even if emotions are boiling inside. This way, you will not give a person power over you and show that his words mean nothing. Many critics get upset and loosen their grip when they realize they haven’t been able to hurt you.
3. Those who never make mistakes

Quarrels between family members are common because everyone’s views and habits are different. But if someone close to you always refuses to acknowledge other people’s points of view or their wrongness, prolonged resentment leads to tension and a feeling that you are not understood. People believe they never make mistakes simply because they have self-esteem issues or unrealistic expectations that they should always do everything right. Dealing with a relative who never apologizes is like talking to a brick wall. This is a serious reason to distance yourself from a person rather than trying to prove your case to him or convey that he is guilty of something.
4. Those who constantly compete with you
Competition can arise not only between siblings but also between other family members. This can be exhausting, especially if someone constantly tries to emphasize their superiority. Instead of fueling this behavior by starting to compete in response, it’s better to praise a relative’s efforts and avoid him. A family member may not realize he is annoying you with his competition and attempt to gain fame at your expense. He enjoys getting recognition and gratifying his fragile ego.
5. Those who impose their religious or political views on you

There is a reason why discussing religious and political views is not customary in society. These are sensitive and sensitive topics that lead to a clash of interests and conflict. Even if people are brought up in the same house, they can grow up with their own beliefs, and that’s fine, but only until someone close to them starts imposing their point of view on them. If you’re facing constant pressure from a relative about religious and political views, it’s time to try to put an end to it.
You can suggest that you stop discussing these topics during family dinners or firmly answer: “We are not talking about this today.” But if a family member continues to harass you with his views, don’t worry — it’s better to ask him why he thinks his point of view is correct. You don’t have to agree with her, but maybe the person will feel heard and stop pestering you. However, suppose an attempt to impose religious or political beliefs is more like recruiting into a sect than expressing a personal opinion. In that case, it is worth considering how to increase the distance with the person who does this.