These are the foods you must eat without moderation!

Food hygiene guarantees 80% good health. Doctors recommend a healthy and balanced diet with three fruits and vegetables a day.

But for your happiness, we found a list of foods to be consumed without moderation. These foods have no risk of side effects on your body.

This list is not the fruit of our imagination, and it appears from the documentation of several researchers from different parts of the world.

1, The spinach leaves

Spinach leaves are generally recommended for people suffering from stress, lack of blood and vitamin. It’s simply because this vegetable is rich in vitamin C. However, and you should avoid eating it with dairy products.

2, The carrot

The carrot is rich in iron, potassium, calcium, and vitamin A. The consumption of an average carrot gives you the right balance of vitamin A all day long.

3, The cucumber

Because of its very high-water content (95%), cucumber contains about 16 calories. It also contains high levels of vitamins B, E, and C, as well as zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium.

4, The tomato

The fresh tomato has a capacity of at least 9 kilos calories. It is the ideal food for those who want to go on a diet. What gives it its red color is called lycopene. It can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and even cancer.

In addition, doctors recommend the consumption of cooked tomatoes because they contain a very high level of lycopene.

5, Watermelon

Food rich in vitamin A and C and iron, the watermelon has a water capacity of 95%, just like a cucumber. Unlike the latter, a slice of watermelon contains 46 calories.

6, The strawberry

This sweet fruit is grown in the tropics. Its flavor is worth its weight on our plates. It contains more vitamin C than oranges and is rich in folate, calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

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