A prolific author when it comes to sounding the charge against Islam, Thilo Sarrazin, a former senior official of the German Central Bank, once again dipped his pen in the ink of Islamophobic slander, peppered with untruths and anxiety at wish.
Eight years after committing his blaze “Germany disappears”, which has thrilled in the cottages by flowing to more than 1.5 million copies, the ex-economist acquired the ideas of the far right, transformed into politician right all, has blackened the white page and the table, once again, once too much…
Thilo Sarrazin would have been well inspired to change his register or, at the very least, to show a less partisan spirit, because his new anti-Islam rants, under the guts guaranteed “Hostile OPA – How Islam slows progress and threatens society,” is currently running a lot of ink on the other side of the Rhine. Compliments are scarce, while critics fuse on all sides against his flagrant intellectual dishonesty, pushed to the extreme.
Accused of being “factually incorrect and reinforcing prejudices”, his latest book vitriol does not stand up to the objective and rigorous analysis of experts of Islam, in this case of Johanna Pink, professor of Islamic studies and History of Islam at the University of Freiburg Breisgau.
“He picked verses that were sticking to the idea that he was already doing Islam, relegating aside those who could make his reading more complex,” laments, before supporting where the rubbish: “He does not know the basics of the Qur’an’s textual history and its interpretations. He has no idea what the Quran represents for Muslims and does not know the limits of this role.”
Thilo Sarrazin can always claim to have “written with a neutral look, without prejudging the Qur’an,” his propagandist text, stingy with “derogatory remarks” on Islam and the Koran, as highlighted by Johanna Pink, disqualifies him and reveals the dreadful troublemaker that he really is.
The German press has obviously not fallen into the trap of its instrumentalization of the hatred of Islam, rude and irresponsible, like the Tagesspiel who calls his readers to show clairvoyance by not reading his book, the newspaper Bild, the best-selling newspaper in Europe and a real institution in Germany, which alerts its wide readership on its “inappropriate generalizations” and the weekly Der Feirtag who blames him sharply for his “categorizations in black”, denouncing his method devoid of all scientific rigor: “SArrazin takes individual verses from the Qur’an out of context, selects those he needs as in a toolbox.”
As the old neo-fascistic demons resurface in a nerve-racking way with our close neighbours, will the German public once again succumb to the alarming sirens of Thilo Sarrazin, the Islamophobic Cassandre who is in high demand across the Rhine?