Ghana: The incredible reward of a teacher traveling 42km every day to teach

A teacher who travels 42 kilometers every day to teach, was rewarded with a fan representing a mark of appreciation by the authorities at the Tolon District Assembly in Ghana.
It was during the celebration of Independence Day last Tuesday.
Awudu Kombian was the only teacher at Warvi D/A Elementary School during several academic periods.
Other teachers have also received similar awards, including a huge thermo-food vial, for their outstanding roles in promoting rural education in the region.
A speech was read publicly praising their commitment and “dedication” despite the great challenges facing teachers in rural areas.
The school has a population of about 74 students for three classrooms, and has taught them alone for over a year.
He traveled 42 km from home to school to prepare students for classes. As a director, he performed other tasks and the school was always closed whenever he became ill or traveled.
With the three classrooms, Kombian sometimes merged all the students into a classroom to teach them, and at other times he chose a class and released the others into the fields to play until he finished.
“It’s very difficult,” he said, adding, “As a professional, you must always do your best to keep up with the immense challenges facing the country.
“Every day, I have to travel about 42 km to go teaching, because it’s a very poor community, and places like that, you do not have accommodation, even if you’re ready to stay, there’s no accommodation for you.”
Receiving the fan, Mr. Kombian said he was grateful for the recognition of his works and urged the authorities to extend the gesture to several other teachers who are doing a good job trying to educate children in rural communities in the country.