How the dog Prince managed to catch more criminals than all the police in Sweden

In modern realities, the role of a person’s best friends cannot be overestimated. They perform very important tasks that the most advanced technology and even more so the people themselves are unable to cope with.

The hypersensitive noses of four-legged comrades can smell any prohibited substances and even explosives. The dog can not only detect dangerous objects but also stop a dangerous criminal. The story of the exciting but very short life of a service dog named Prince, who caught more criminals than the entire Swedish police.

Not only best friend

Dogs have lived side by side with humans since time immemorial. They are the most faithful friends and the most invaluable helpers. At all times, these four-legged hunted with a man, guarded his home, and simply made up a friendly company. It is impossible to find a friend more understanding and able to listen than a faithful dog.

In addition to the absolutely wonderful qualities of their character, dogs also have very valuable “professional” qualities. Their main and absolutely unique property is hypersensitivity to odors. The noses of four-legged friends are able to distinguish about five thousand different smells. This high-precision “instrument” proved to be invaluable for the service for the benefit of all mankind.

Dogs have long been taken to the police and the army service. The heroic deeds of these animals in war are so numerous that it is impossible to describe everything. They brought shells, were conductors, demolition workers, scouts, orderlies.

Specially trained dogs can even detect dangerous diseases. There is already a similar practice in the world. In the police, man’s four-legged friends also perform an incredibly important job. They detect illegal substances, explosive devices and catch dangerous criminals. Dogs are faithful and trouble-free helpers for law enforcement officers in any business.

Unfortunately, a dog’s life is not long, and even less in the service. Their professional career begins at the age of two months. Cynologists are actively involved with them. On average, all four-legged policemen by their eight years are no longer so good at performing the necessary official duties, if they survive. By human standards, this age corresponds to about fifty years. At this point, the dog from a playful baby turns into an adult, highly experienced, well-mannered professional. He is very different from his civilian counterparts. In his power, not only to protect himself and his territory.

But everything in this life passes. And the dogs are retiring too. Sometimes, those who have especially distinguished themselves are even assigned a quite worthy state cash allowance. Basically, the old man who has gone into circulation is taken home by a mentor or another human colleague. It is good when a faithful helper can live out his life calmly and worthy of his faithful service. It is unfortunate that this is not always the case.

History of the Prince

Dog Prince on his Police Badge

Nobody knows what would be better. Probably, the remark that everything that is done is done for the better is true. Recently, a famous police dog named Prince died in Sweden. He entered the service when he was one and a half years old. The Prince was trained for a year. After graduation, the dog was given a police badge and sent to serve and protect.

The four-legged policeman served faithfully for four years in the ranks of the Swedish police. During his service, he discovered only one “black cash” in the amount of 23 million crowns (almost 2.5 million dollars). In addition, many weapons of illegal possession and countless different illegal substances. The Prince also detained a huge number of criminals of all stripes. Two especially dangerous received life sentences for their crimes.

The cynologist, who worked side by side with the dog, says that he was a high-class professional. The Prince made clear distinctions between work and play. During the performance of his direct official duties, he never noticed familiar people. Once the task was completed, the dog could run to greet them.

The policeman says that the Prince was not only his colleague but also his best friend, who will now be greatly missed. “We were together around the clock, and now he is with me forever,” said the dog handler. The police dog died of cancer just under a month ago, but he remained faithful to the service until death.

Always for worthy service receive a worthy reward. Dog Prince received his reward

Dogs are capable of many things. There was even a case in history when grateful people canonized a dog for its merits.

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