How to end a relationship

Most likely, we are familiar with the disappointment of realizing that a friendly or romantic relationship is unsuitable. Of course, you can tolerate things that don’t work and try to prove to another person that you are worth something.

But it never brings joy and happiness. Ending a relationship can also be difficult, especially if you are very attached to people with whom it’s time to say goodbye. Here are a few steps to help you eliminate them and go on your way.

8 ways to end a relationship

1. Step back gradually

There is the“grey stone method.”It involves gradually moving away from a person, becoming less excited and unresponsive to him. This method works well when you need to break the connection with a narcissist or similar toxic personality.

You do not openly express dislike, remaining polite and tactful, but you do not allow them to influence your emotional state. You’re just there, agreeing with what you’re being told but ignoring half of the words and not taking them to heart.

No arguments, no debates. You become such a dull “piece of stone” that it’s easier for another person to leave on their own than to stir you up. Stay so passive that a narcissist or an energy vampire spits on trying to squeeze emotions out of you and goes looking for someone else as a victim.

2. Minimize contacts

It is impossible to let go of a person by constantly communicating with him. If you want to say goodbye to someone, it is important to limit contacts as much as possible. When it is impossible to distance yourself from communication completely, make it superficial, and also let there be only a good reason for dialogue. V I S I T A F R I N I K . C O M.Try to give monosyllabic answers, reject requests to talk about life, and start texting. Also, do not attend social events where there will be a person you no longer want to see.

3. Adjust the interaction on social networks

Instead of direct blocking, which is very offensive, especially if it happens for no reason, consider restricting some users’ access to their posts. For example, you can hide photo albums, music, and video sections and the ability to comment on posts from them. This will remove the person from most of your virtual life but not create an open conflict.

4. Talk to friends or family members

Perhaps some friends or family members know why you want to exclude someone from your life. Let them know your intention is serious, and ask for support in your decision. If the person you have decided to remove from your life turns to them for information about you, friends and family will know that the details of your existence should be kept secret.

5. Explain, but do not go into details

Toxic characters, narcissists, and manipulators should be cut off without unnecessary talk. But what if you want to exclude a decent person from your life who just got out of the way? It’s best to explain why you want to do this without going into detail.

You can say that you can’t keep in touch with him anymore or feel that you are too different, so you don’t want to waste your time or his. After that, listen to the person without interrupting. If he gets angry and also tries to accuse you of all sins or heaps of insults, nod, say that you heard his point of view, say goodbye, and go home.

6. Lie, if necessary

Getting out of a relationship that is poisoning your life can be difficult. Sometimes, people start to suspect that you want to get rid of them, resort to blackmail, whining, and manipulation, and it’s all for you to stay. In such a situation, it’s better to lie and get out of trouble than to tell the truth and make an enemy of yourself. Find an explanation, however dishonest, that will prevent drama and another person from poisoning your life.

7. Eliminate all triggers related to the person

When we feel affection for someone for a long time, it can be difficult to take and remove a person from our lives. And when you have made such a decision, limited contacts and deleted correspondence, there are still moments of nostalgia and longing for past relationships.

Certain places or things become emotional triggers, pushing you to start getting bored and thinking about how to return everything to how it was. Do not fall for the tricks of your own emotions so as not to do stupid things. May your desire to remove a person remain unshakeable and clear. And you can cope with emotional triggers with the help of some psychological techniques.

8. Refrain from negative conversations about a person

Whatever the situation that made you decide to remove a person from your life, do not speak ill of him. Keep your dignity by keeping silent when someone mentions his name or speaking neutrally. Remember that an imperfect world is better than a good quarrel. Do not explain to anyone why your paths have diverged, do not make excuses, and do not tell the details of your decision.

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