How to keep healthy and fit: The danger of sedentary work

In the modern world, many people have the most comfortable working conditions. A few decades ago, it seemed like an impossible utopia. I couldn’t understand how a person could work in an office while spending the whole day in an armchair at a computer. However, reality has exposed several problems, turning a fantastic picture into a dystopia.

Some trade unions and occupational safety organizations claim that we are on the verge of a new epidemic caused by sedentary work. It is difficult to get an occupational injury in the office, but it is quite possible to have serious health problems. The main danger lies in this happening smoothly, almost imperceptibly.

The harm of a sedentary lifestyle

Working in production, in the agricultural sector, or on a construction site involves several risks. Failure to comply with safety regulations leads to severe injuries, sometimes fatal. Office employees are not in danger of this; replacing the water in the cooler is the most dangerous event. However, other dangers are invisible at first glance. The main one is the workplace itself, which implies a sedentary lifestyle. You don’t get physically tired, and the body is fine, but the costs of the profession have a long-term effect.

A sedentary lifestyle causes several severe problems at once. Perhaps the loss of visual acuity is the most harmless of them. Next, we note obesity, problems with the spine, and, finally, a slowdown in blood flow, which leads to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. In a few years of sedentary work, a healthy and physically developed person can turn into a wreck, a real “real estate” that cannot run 100 meters. In modern life, we do not need to run: dangerous predators are found mainly in zoos, and the most delicious prey is in the nearest store.

Therefore, the loss of mobility does not become a disaster and does not threaten life. At least, it seems that way. Can’t jump, do push-ups or pull-ups? So it’s not necessary. The body is in a comfort zone, burns fewer calories, and accumulates fat. One day, there is a glitch: you go to the doctor, who states diabetes. Somewhere at this point, you begin to envy the worker from the factory and regret the carelessness. It was worth paying more attention to the signals the body sent.

Emotional and mental health

Even less noticeable, the same destructive changes occur in the mental area. This applies to intellectual abilities and emotional and mental state. Office workers are more likely to feel anxious and depressed, even when there are no apparent reasons for this. The fact is that without physical activity, endorphins, which are sometimes called “happiness hormones,” stop being produced.

Without them, life becomes gray, so people find surrogates, artificial substitutes, such as alcohol or other prohibited substances. Affordable but short-term relief leads to addiction and, in the end, only makes the situation worse. Now, no less disastrous risks are added to the existing ones.

A person loses self-confidence until he receives a portion of endorphin substitutes. The brain may believe it is simply not worthy of joy and happiness. His lot is to fill out tables, answer correspondence, and make calls. This is not a physical activity but not an intellectual one. Visit. A F R I N I K. C O M For full article specific set of functions that allow you to continue existing. After the body, the mind surrenders. He also doesn’t have to develop more or at least keep fit. After all, the salary comes on time, meaning you can stagnate, even if there is little space left for comfortable degradation.

Ways to add physical activity at a sedentary job

Regardless of the field of activity, office space, and number of colleagues, there are simple and effective ways to add the physical activity your body needs. Moreover, these types of activities will not look ridiculous — carrying dumbbells or doing yoga right in the middle of the working day is unnecessary.

7 ways to add physical activity at a sedentary job

1. Regular breaks

Take small pauses during the working day and take breaks, even if you don’t smoke and don’t like coffee. Use this time to go outside or walk around the office. It’s hard to call such a warm-up workout or exercise, but it’s better than nothing.

2. The toilet is not for its intended purpose

Use the toilet for other purposes. There are no prying eyes, so you can stretch just as your body requires. No one will discuss and make ridiculous jokes. Push-ups are probably not worth it, but the walls are suitable for support, and this is enough for performing many exercises.

3. Be a volunteer

Agree to do small tasks in the office. Changing the water in the cooler, going to the paper store, refilling cartridges, and so on—everything that implies movement and load is suitable. The main thing is not to overdo it or become a reliable assistant who performs assignments to the detriment of his immediate professional duties.

4. Activity on the way to work

Instead of traveling by car or public transport, consider using a bicycle. You can use a simple formula: when driving around the city, you will cover 1 kilometer in about 5 minutes. It often turns out that it is even faster than other vehicles, especially at short distances. You can also walk in those months when the weather permits.

5. Stand-up work

Periodically goes to work standing up. Naturally, this is inconvenient if you need to type quickly or actively use complex software. However, many monotonous and simple tasks like making calls and viewing mail can be performed standing up. The point of this test is to avoid sitting when possible.

6. Give up the elevator

The simplest way to add physical activity is to stop using the elevator. This exercise is equally helpful at home and work, and many athletes use it. For example, basketball players should walk on the steps to strengthen the leg muscles and make the joints more mobile. Go up to the 5th floor and feel your breath catch. Repeat the exercise for a few weeks, and you will see a positive result.

7. Walking meetings

If possible and appropriate, plan meetings with colleagues, management or clients not in a cafe, but somewhere in the park so that you can walk a little, of course, this is not suitable in any situation, but for sure you know who will meet this with approval and will be ready to discuss business, strolling in a quiet and peaceful environment.

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