How to make difficult decisions: step by step

The need to make a difficult decision always comes suddenly and, of course, at the most inopportune moment. At least, that’s how it’s perceived. A few minutes ago, it was an ordinary day; everything was going on as usual. Suddenly, there is a drastic emotional change. This was not part of the plans, but the challenge cannot be rejected because even inaction will be a choice and far from the best. I want to eliminate a new concern as soon as possible — I start looking for a quick solution. Not wanting to concentrate on thinking, you listen to your intuition or choose a random, the first option that comes to mind.

Thus, the brain gets freedom quickly and effectively, at least if we evaluate the current moment. However, after a while, the consequences come. If the wrong decision is made initially, you must sort out even more problems. By repeating the tactics, you can get into a cycle where disorderly movement is only occasionally diluted by short-term respites. An oppressive, all-consuming tension will come in place of the lost serenity. To avoid falling into the cycle, you should learn an algorithm that allows you to make decisions more carefully.

5 ways to make difficult decisions: step-by-step

1. Take time to reflect in a calm environment

Phone scammers succeed if they convince a person of the need to make a decision quickly, leaving no time for reflection. Then, depressed by the unpleasant news, the victim transfers money to an unknown card under the most ridiculous pretext. This is impossible in a calm environment when the mind analyzes what is happening and not a fictional reality.

Do not fall into such a trap; protect yourself from impulsive decisions, find time to calm down, and assess the situation outside the emotional background. If you do not delay until the last one, hoping everything will work out the best way, taking a break is almost always possible before making an important decision. Do not rush to seek advice from friends and family.

They will find themselves in precisely the same position, being stunned, and they will not offer the most deliberate options for action. Collective impulsivity is only slightly better than individual impulsivity. Only the most stupid, harmful, and dangerous options will be rejected, which you will refuse. After reflecting in a calm atmosphere, choosing several promising areas, ask for specific advice from really competent people.

2. To assess the long-term consequences

To free yourself from an impending dilemma, think about the long-term consequences. They are inevitable, although they may not be immediately noticeable. The situation here is twofold. The word “consequences” sounds threatening, but the situation may not be so difficult upon closer examination. Perhaps the problem only seems serious because of the suddenness and does not require any extraordinary actions.

On the other hand, just one rash decision can, if not change your whole life, then significantly spoil the next months or even years. Do not bet on an instant fix; do not try to return to the previous state of things, where nothing bothered you. It’s better to experience the tension now but release the future. There will be other gaps — new, even more severe decisions must be made.

3. Listen to your intuition and turn to logic

Intuition and logic are on entirely different planes. The first is something like an inner voice giving hints without any justification. The second operates with facts, figures, experience, and other elements that can be analyzed. It is worth listening to both positions in turn. Intuition does not offer a step-by-step guide but indicates the main direction.

Planning is the prerogative of logic, and in an ideal situation, they should come together in basic details. Remember how often intuition has pointed you to the right decision and how often logic has been wrong. Of course, there are plenty of reverse examples. V I S I T . A F R I N I K . C O M . This indicates the existence of an endless conflict between the unconscious and the conscious. You can reconcile the parties, at least briefly, by making efforts. Then, they will work in a team, correcting and complementing the ideas.

4. Identify the most frightening details

Having caught a stupor before deciding, realize if anything scares you. It can be anything: suddenness, consequences, alleged interaction with another person, or the destruction of plans. It is necessary to determine precisely what has become the main cause of concern and direct all attention to this detail.

The subsequent strategy should be based on eliminating the source of fear. Your plan may not be perfect in everything, but it must brilliantly cope with a critical area. Once a suitable solution is found, the problem will evaporate. After all, there will only be technical points, a small list of step-by-step actions, where there is no longer a gap that cannot be crossed.

5. Consider the best and worst-case scenario

When thinking about variations, consider the two extremes. What is the best and worst possible outcome? This will push the boundaries and allow you to look at the composition from a height. With potential threats, there are more favorable options, but a realistic median plan may shift towards a satisfactory or even preferable one. Unfortunately, the best-case scenario does not necessarily imply a complete victory.

Victims are often inevitable, and the main task is to minimize losses. If overly optimistic pictures arise in your head, check their nature. Perhaps this is the work of imagination, fantasies that have little to do with reality. They are easy to recognize; it is only necessary to delve into the details to request more specifics on the planned stages based on the supposed luck.

Sketch out at least an approximate route to the worst-case scenario. You don’t have to go into all the details, but highlight the most dangerous intersections, key forks, and signals. This will become a compass that indicates where exactly you should not go. Your plan should eliminate even the slightest step in that direction, simplifying the task. By cutting off unacceptable options, you free your head from unnecessary thoughts.

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