How to openly discuss your se3xual preferences with a female

An open and honest dialogue about se3xual preferences is the key to a healthy and happy relationship. Such conversations can not only improve your se3x life but also strengthen your bond and bring mutual understanding to a new level.

However, discussing your preferences can be difficult, especially regarding a new relationship. There are a lot of fears, awkwardness, and worries about how your interaction will change. Nevertheless, it is necessary to hold such a dialogue. Here are some rules to help you discuss this delicate issue without hesitation.

7 ways to openly discuss your se3xual preferences with a female

1. Find the right time

Let’s start with a basic but essential aspect: choose the right time and place for such a conversation. This topic should not be discussed among people in a noisy environment, over breakfast in the kitchen, or after a hard day’s work. The ideal option is when you are both relaxed, no one is in a hurry, and you have enough time to discuss everything calmly.

Avoiding such conversations immediately after an argument or other stressful situation when you are in a bad mood or exhausted is also essential. Instead, create a warm and cozy atmosphere in which you and your girlfriend feel safe, relaxed, and confident enough to share your thoughts.

2. Be specific but considerate

When discussing se3xual preferences, try to avoid vague phrases and ambiguities. Set yourself the task of being as specific as possible to avoid misunderstandings. However, remember that your concreteness must be combined with tact.

Instead of harsh statements, use soft and careful wording without a forced and commanding tone and lengthy introductions. Support and mutual understanding in such conversations will help you establish an even deeper emotional connection.

And being specific will allow you to eliminate the possibility of misunderstanding and awkwardness. The more precise your explanation, the more accessible it is for the girl to understand precisely what it is about.

In addition, shyness often appears when you cannot openly tell someone about something. Don’t look for comparisons; call things by their proper names, and you’ll be surprised at how much easier it will be to convey your thoughts and desires.

3. Use “I am statements”

When it comes to sensitive topics such as se3xual preferences, it is important to start the conversation by focusing on your feelings and desires without turning to criticism or accusations. “I am statements” allow you to convey your thoughts clearly and calmly.

For example, instead of “You never do what I like,” you can say, “I like it when we try something new.” This approach creates an atmosphere of trust and respect, making it easier for the two of you to open up and be heard.

4. Avoid comparisons

Never compare a girl to your exes or anyone else. Comparisons are destructive, especially in the context of discussing se3xual preferences. They can cause jealousy or self-doubt in a girl. In addition, you do not appear in her eyes in the best light, based on comparisons with past experiences or other people’s stories.

Instead of phrases like “My ex-girlfriend has always done things differently” or “My friend says they do it that way,” focus on your unique experiences and desires in your current relationship.
It would be much more reasonable to ask, “I’ve always wanted to try this; how do you think about it?”

This will help to avoid unnecessary pressure and competition, making the conversation more constructive and you more confident. Remember that your preferences are your feelings and desires and should not be associated with anyone else.

5. Support the openness on the part of the girl

Talking about se3xual preferences can be difficult for both sides, but openness and honesty will allow you to discuss your fantasies and desires without unnecessary embarrassment. Start the conversation by creating a safe and relaxed atmosphere for the girl. V I S I T . A F R I N K . C O M . Emphasize that your goal is to understand her desires and boundaries, not to make her feel uncomfortable or criticized.

Please demonstrate that you are ready to listen and accept her revelations without judgment, and be prepared for the fact that the discussion may lead to unexpected discoveries. You should talk and listen to what the girl answers and offers you.

6. Negotiate compromises

When discussing your se3xual preferences, there will inevitably be moments where your desires and fantasies will diverge. In such a situation, it is important to be ready for compromises. Listen to your girlfriend carefully and try to understand her point of view. Tell us about your preferences so that you can try to find a middle ground together that will suit both of you.

Remember that a relationship is the work of two people, so the desire to meet each other halfway in the long run strengthens your bond and trust. Only by taking into account the interests and fantasies of both will you be able to find a balance and build an interaction that will satisfy each of you. It should be noted that the willingness to compromise also positively affects your self-confidence. If you know there is a discrepancy in views, you can find a solution and feel much more relaxed.

7. Do not criticize or condemn

One of the most important conditions for talking about se3xual preferences is the rejection of criticism and condemnation. Even if her fantasies and desires seem unusual or unusual to you, remember that everyone has the right to differ from your expectations. Criticism and condemnation can destroy trust and cause a girl to feel ashamed or embarrassed.

You’ll probably worry a lot more about how she’ll take your fantasies. Instead of criticizing a girl, please show respect for her wishes and let her feel that her opinion matters to you. Learn to show empathy — this will help create a deeper emotional and physical connection between you.

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