How to plan the logistics of a date and why it’s needed

Is there a difference between a date with pre-planned logistics and when you choose the first place you see and invite a girl there? Of course, it’s also huge. Planning the logistics of a date that will lead to success is not as difficult as it seems if you know where to start and spend at least half an hour of personal time on it.
3 reason plan the logistics of a date
1. You will avoid unnecessary stress

If you do not plan where to go with a girl, if the date is delayed, or if there are no empty tables in the cafe where you initially went, you can experience significant stress. It’s unlikely that you want to frantically recall interesting places in the city instead of concentrating on communication. Planning the logistics of dates helps to solve this problem before it arises.
2. You’ll feel more confident
You may worry a lot before dating and don’t feel completely confident. One of the best ways to think that the situation is under control is to plan the logistics of a date. When you know exactly where you’re going with your partner and have a few spare options for places and pastimes that she’ll like, you increase confidence that the date will go well.
3. You will increase your attractiveness in the eyes of your partner

Most girls don’t like the question, “Where are we going? “This instantly reduces a man’s attractiveness in their eyes. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M . F or the full article. You may seem childish or bored by asking about it, reducing the chance of a second date. Planning the logistics will show you how to make decisions and choices. This will help you appear attractive and gain the girl’s trust faster.
How to plan the logistics of a date
Keep in mind that force majeure happens
Don’t get too hung up on visiting all the places you have planned with a girl. No one is immune from sudden and unpleasant circumstances. She may cancel the date half an hour before the meeting, or your conversation may end at a cafe that was the first place to visit on your list.
In addition, you may simply not like each other, or the girl may have too little time to chat. Don’t get upset if you can’t keep up with the logistics of a date—after all, life is impossible without spontaneity and moments when things don’t go according to plan.
Pay special attention to the first meeting place

It largely depends on where you and the girl meet, whether she wants to continue the date elsewhere. The best place to meet should follow four principles: to be comfortable, cozy, quiet, and accessible to both you and her. You should not choose the first cafe that comes to mind — ensuring it meets all the requirements described above is better. You must admit, it will be very embarrassing if a girl spends an hour trying to get to the meeting place or is disappointed that she can’t hear you in the hum of other visitors’ voices.
Think about how to get to the second place of the date
Be sure to decide on the route by which you will get to the second place on the date. How long will it take to get there? Is there anything on the way that is worth seeing? Regardless of how you answered the questions above, remembering a few more important things about the route to the second rendezvous point is worth remembering.
It should not contain anything dangerous, such as crossing a busy highway, repairing a road, or driving through disadvantaged areas of the city; — it should not be too short, but also not too long. Ideally, especially if you are walking, you should not spend more than fifteen minutes on the road.; — there shouldn’t be anything particularly interesting in it, like a festival or a bar where a rock band is playing, if you aren’t going to attend them.
Make the second place of a date the basis of a sensual mood

If the first place for a date is cozy, the second should create a sensual mood. It is best to choose cafes or bars with dim lights, a small number of visitors, or the opportunity to retire, for example, behind curtains separating your table from the main room.
Also, pay attention to the decor: dark colors are best. As for the music, the ideal option would be a place where slow and sensual compositions are played. This atmosphere will create a feeling of a real date and romance.
Don’t forget about your comfort
Of course, when planning the logistics of a date, first of all, you should take care of your partner comfort, but this does not mean you need to forget about yourself. Think about how far your house is from the cafe you’re going to and whether you can quickly get back there later. Also, if you want to invite a girl to visit the restaurant, do the cleaning. This will help you feel more confident and comfortable and make a pleasant impression on your companion.