How to reconcile with your negative past

The past never disappears without a trace. It contains the roots of habits, memories, and the foundation of a worldview. It can be pleasant to return to the past, extracting the most vivid fragments from memory.

Of course, there are enough dark places there that you want to avoid. However, sooner or later, each of us wanders into these basements. One day, you will have to put things in order there, evaluate your actions, and learn a lesson for the future.

7 ways to reconcile with your negative past

1. Awareness of the origins

Channel empathy inward toward a past version of yourself. The evil thoughts and actions committed earlier did not come from an empty place. It wasn’t your choice. The inner circle of communication played a specific role in the family or the culture of that time.

You did not exist in a vacuum and succumbed to the influence of the environment, having minimal life experience. Don’t burn bridges; don’t push away your former self. Replace hatred with understanding because, to some extent, you are a victim of your bad deeds, so now you cannot find peace.

2. Accept the imperfection

Reconciliation with your former self is hindered by shame for what an imperfect being you were. Realize the simple truth: no one is perfect or perfect. However, this is not a reason to deny yourself respect and love, significantly if you surpassed the previous version of yourself. The very care of an unsightly past is a virtue.

You could forget and move on, but you mentally return to the unpleasant moments, trying to fix everything. When you recognize your human nature, the mistakes of youth become more understandable and less frightening. You were often driven by unconscious urges that are now better controlled.

3. Forgiveness

After the peculiar confession described in the first paragraphs, the moment for forgiveness comes. By doing bad things, you pursue certain goals and follow your desires.

But he was hardly a caricature villain who enjoyed the very process of creating evil. Bad luck: no decent and influential person nearby would take you in the other direction. Your former self deserves forgiveness because it has often been cursed and called the last words.

4. The acceptance

You weren’t the best person; you did bad things, but the past can’t be rewritten. Self-flagellation has dragged on and is no longer beneficial, as you can see. At the initial stage, you needed to experience at least some pain you caused others.

However, living in this state forever is impossible: you will simply go crazy. Consider your former self’s application for parole. Let him be free but under constant supervision. Without rehabilitation of the past, it is challenging to build a decent future.

5. The responsibility

Acceptance and recognition do not absolve you from responsibility. The steps described above may provide relief, but they do not undo the harm done to other people. You are responsible even if the bad deeds were not entirely your choice.

Accept the past completely, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. This will become a compass, always pointing in the direction you should not move. visit A F R I N I K. C O M. You’ve been to that place before and found nothing good there.

6. To make amends

You are having a time machine to return and fix all the mistakes. Unfortunately, this is not possible. However, there is another way to make amends, if not to others, then at least to yourself. Time always flows forward, and you move with it.

Along the way, many opportunities will be to do good and worthy deeds. The most powerful are those committed to their free will without second thoughts. The future is full of places and people with whom you can redeem yourself and balance your present self with your former self.

7. Surpass yourself

Strive to become a slightly better version of yourself every day. This is another effective way to reconcile your past with the future. Being different is a conscious choice, but many other variations exist. You can turn into something even more terrible or lose yourself altogether.

Create your own principles, ideals, and aspirations to which you will remain faithful. This is how the road to a better, fulfilling life is paved, with a place for you, new goals, and the former but already forgiven self.

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