Is it dangerous to get a tattoo during the coronavirus?

The coronavirus pandemic, which has swept the entire planet, dictates its own safety rules. Therefore, it is quite logical to ask how great the danger of contracting coronavirus is when applying a tattoo.

Are there additional risks besides the standard ones that lie in wait for everyone in public places? Of course, the safest option is to postpone a visit to the tattoo artist until the covid-19 pandemic subsides. But if you decide to get a tattoo right now, assess the real danger and listen to helpful advice that will help minimize the risk of infection.

How considerable is the risk of contracting coronavirus in a tattoo shop

Many are seriously concerned that most of the supplies and tools come from China, the place where the COVID-19 epidemic began. But goods are usually in transit for more than two weeks, and the life span of the virus on non-biological surfaces is 9-10 days. In addition, at the moment, the epidemiological situation in this country is relatively calm.

The safety of all procedures in the tattoo shop is ensured by thorough surface treatment: with skin disinfectant made based on denatured ethanol, quartzing, UV treatment, heat treatment.

If, before visiting the salon, you feel at least a slight discomfort, stay at home and postpone the visit to the professional until you are fully recovered.

Tips for listening to when visiting a tattoo shop

Some tips on how to safely get a tattoo during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Do not forget about the standard rules of conduct during a pandemic:

Note* Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for any questions you may have about your health or condition. Never disregard a health care professional’s advice or delay getting it because of what you read on this website.
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