Is Kelly Khumalo done with alcohol?

South African singer, actress, and dancer Kelly Khumalo have opened up about how alcohol has been gnawing at her over time, for some time now. Aware of the danger that awaits her, she revealed that she plans to stop taking alcohol, especially as her body seems to have reached a high saturation level.

The world of showbiz is often animated by numerous narcotics (alcohol, drugs…), which generally destroy some of the lives of some if they do not recover in time. Kelly Khumalo is one of those who very quickly realized the danger. The South African singer, dancer, and actress explained how alcohol had been slowly destroying her for some time—the reason why she decided to break with an alcoholic drink.

However, she said that it was very difficult for her to decide, given the South African singer’s close relationship with alcohol. But according to her, this case is behind her.

Kelly Khumalo (36) became famous after the release of her first album “TKO” in 2005, and has her brand of Gin (spirit drink obtained by flavoring ethyl alcohol with mainly juniper berries, like the genever, editor’s note) called “Controversy” and has been doing it since its launch.

In an effort to promote the alcoholic drink, Kelly Khumalo drank only Gin, but it turned out to be much stronger than she thought. In a video she made last year, Kelly posted an image of herself crying, claiming to have been summoned by spirits to urge people to kneel and pray.

The predicament she was referring to was the Covid-19 pandemic which has affected many global economic sectors. Following this rather particular incident, Kelly Khumalo wanted to drink something lighter. But, now, she wants to quit alcohol as a whole.

“I think my relationship with alcohol is doomed. My body literally rejects it. Why am I still drinking? I’m figuring out why do I keep doing this to myself? Honestly, it can’t be my life,” she says.

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