Israel bombarded Hamas plants after rocket attack

Fighters of the Israeli army attacked installations of Palestinian militant groups in the Gaza Strip last night. According to military sources, the action, aimed among other things, against a Hamas target, was retribution for firing three rockets from Gaza to Israel. Neither the attack nor the Israeli counter-reaction would have resulted in casualties.

Two of the three missiles were intercepted by the Israeli missile defense system Iron Dome last night. The third projectile landed on an uninhabited strip of land. By way of retaliation, Israeli combat aircraft bombarded targets in the Gaza Strip last night.

One was a military installation that is attributed to the radical Islamic movement Hamas. The Israeli jets also bombarded a second target. The Israeli jets also hit a second target. Residents of the Gaza Strip confirmed that they heard Israeli planes, but there are no casualties or damage.

Tensions rise

At the border with Gaza, clashes occurred between the Israeli soldiers and Palestinians. Moreover, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, at least 63 people were injured.

According to the Israeli army, around 5,600 Palestinians had gathered at the border. They threw grenades and explosives and tried to get past the border fence.

Tensions between Israel and the Palestinians have been rising again for several days after two Palestinians were arrested. They are suspected of the murder of a young Israeli in the West Bank last week. Two days ago an Israeli officer was wounded in Jerusalem, the perpetrators were shot. Yesterday a Palestinian was killed who had hit two Israelis near Bethlehem.

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