Italian shows Angela Merkel, Michelle Obama, and Brigitte Macron as victims of domestic violence

The Italian AleXsandro Palombo once again speaks out with photographs of the world’s most famous women, whom he portrays as victims of sexual and domestic violence.

The artist never shuns the controversy and wants to remind everyone that women still come into contact with this type of violence in the year 2020, just because they are women.

The street artist stuck up his posters near the University of Milan. After a similar campaign in 2015, where he showed photos of a battered Madonna, Angelina Jolie, and Emma Watson, this time, he chose well-known power women from international politics.

Earlier he also showed female icons from the comic world such as Marge Simpson and Olive of Popeye with a bloody nose and a black eye.

©AleXsandro Palombo – Hillary Clinton

Violence against women is a global problem that makes no difference in race, class or religion; Palombo denounces.

©AleXsandro Palombo – Michelle Obama
©AleXsandro Palombo – The German Chancellor as a victim of domestic violence.
©AleXsandro Palombo
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