The Miss Universe election is taking place in Atlanta tonight. The young lady who defends the colors of France, however, had a false start. Maeva Coucke went down hard during the preselection, and luckily she didn’t have anything left.
During the bathing suit file, things went wrong for Miss France the day before yesterday. She scrambled to her feet immediately, without losing her smile. The 25-year-old beauty was sporty enough to later share the images of her fall through her Instagram account.
“This had never happened to me until now. Sometimes life also has less pleasant surprises in store,” Coucke responded. “You have to learn lessons from every experience. What I do remember from this? Falling and getting up, that’s just part of it as a woman. If you fall nine times, you have to stand up ten times with your head held high.”
Also on Instagram Stories, the miss came out. “France has fallen!”, It sounded with the necessary self-mockery. “Fortunately I didn’t hurt myself. Was it the smooth surface? Or the high heels? No idea. A fall is, unfortunately, something that you cannot control.”