NASA is looking for people who want to pretend to live on Mars for a year

Interesting news for space enthusiasts: NASA will send some paid volunteers to ‘Mars on Earth’ for a year. It is a simulation in Texas in which the lucky candidates will, among other things, take spacewalks. The unique vacancy, which is subject to strict conditions, only applies to American citizens.

The four volunteers will spend a year at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, as part of their mission. A 1,700 square meter ‘Marsplaneet’ has been built in the center. There are no windows, and the candidates receive only ready-made space food.

The space explorers will participate in a simulated reconnaissance mission. Among other things, they have to do spacewalks using limited means of communication. So to make it look as real as possible, they will also have to deal with technical problems.

We want to find out how people perform in these exceptional circumstances. That’s why we make everything as realistic as possible, said lead scientist Grace Douglas.


The perfect candidate should hold a master’s degree in science, engineering or mathematics, or have pilot experience. The M/V/X must also be between 30 and 55 years old, be in good physical health, have no nutritional problems and not be prone to motion sickness.

Finally, the “astronaut” on Earth must hold US citizenship or reside permanently in the country. So most reading this probably won’t qualify. But who knows, you might go a long way with an otherworldly astonishing cover letter.

The first ‘mission’ to Mars is planned for the autumn of 2022. Register here.

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