New world record: the largest sandcastle is in Denmark

The largest sandcastle can be admired in Blokhus, a town in northern Denmark. Guinness World Records inspectors measured the sandcastle: with a height of 21.16 meters, the structure in Denmark smashes the previous record of 17.66 meters.

The building was designed by the Dutch artist Wilfred Stijger. The corona pandemic inspired Stijger. At the very top of the largest sandcastle is the virus with a crown. He explains that the placement is symbolic of the power Covid-19 has over us.

Thirty artists gave shape to his design with about 4,800 kilos of sand.

Crazy with sand

To prevent the sandcastle from collapsing, it was built in a triangular shape. The sand also consists of 10% clay. Afterward, the building was sprayed with a thin layer of glue so that it can still be admired in winter.

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