Reasons being a stay-at-home is not so bad

In autumn and winter, many people become stay-at-home people. But sometimes, the habit of staying at home can cause feelings of guilt or that you are doing the wrong thing. Do not blame yourself for preferring to spend the evening in the four walls of your apartment while other people are walking and having fun in bars. Being a stay-at-home mom isn’t so bad – here are a few reasons.

6 reasons being a stay-at-home is not so bad

1. You eat better

When you go to a cafe or restaurant, you want something tasty and unusual, perhaps fatty and deep-fried. And the more often you have lunch and dinner in establishments, the less often you stick to a healthy diet. Of course, you can try having lunch with salads or hot dishes in the nearest dining room, but it can still be difficult to resist the temptation to run somewhere for a snack with shawarma or French fries.

However, staying at home makes you highly likely to cook dishes using more healthy foods. Of course, there is laziness, and no one has canceled restaurant deliveries, but still, by paying attention to self-cooking, you can be not just a homebody but a healthy person.

In addition, you will be able to control the number of calories in food and the freshness of the ingredients from which it is made. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M . For full article. And yet, by practicing cooking, you acquire a useful skill and maintain mental health — scientists believe that cooking affects our nervous system no worse than meditation, helping us relax and feel satisfied with life.

2. You don’t spend a lot of money

You may have noticed that money flows away like water when you leave the house. And if you are prone to impulsive purchases or can’t get your budget in order, then even more so. Staying at home will make it easier for you to save money. You spend money on things other than gasoline, takeaway food, and many other things that consume a significant part of the budget.

No one says you must lock yourself in four walls and lead a reclusive life. But still, it’s worth becoming a stay-at-home mom for a couple of days before your paycheck or at moments when you’re about to save up for something important.

3. You’re taking a break from the pressure of society

You can look like anything at home, especially if you live alone. This is very pleasant, considering we face daily social pressure regarding our appearance. Sometimes, it’s vital to relax by wearing your favorite funny pajamas and not attaching any importance to your appearance. Of course, this does not mean you do not need to care for yourself, for example, comb your hair or monitor hygiene.

But it’s still nice to have moments when you don’t have to think about what to wear and what to combine it with. By the way, many people who work remotely consider this a great advantage. They work in comfortable conditions and in comfortable clothes, which increases their productivity and allows them to find pleasure in work.

4. You support mental health

It is important to periodically interact with society and communicate with others to maintain mental health. But staying at home also plays a significant role in this. Your favorite apartment can be a safe place for you, where you feel in control of making everything in it how you like it.

While work or excessive communication with others, especially if you are an introvert, can be stressful, a loved home promotes relaxation and a sense of calm. Also, at home, you can immerse yourself in reflection, take stock, recover, and gather your thoughts to embark on new beginnings or understand what you are missing.

5. You have a good relationship with your family

Staying at home with those you love helps strengthen relationships. You try to take better care of those around you and spend a lot of time with them, which means you get to know your loved ones better. Your communication is healthier and of better quality. It is impossible to sort out problems, hear another person “on the run,” or be constantly distracted by something in a public place.

Of course, being with someone twenty-four hours a day is complex, which can lead to a deterioration in the relationship. However, having found a balance between personal space, for example, doing hobbies alone and staying close to your loved ones, you can notice that you and your family feel happy more often and feel the care and support everyone needs so much.

6. Your friends are the real

There’s a big difference between real friends and buddies who are nice to hang out with. People who have fun with you at parties and events but never pay attention to you when you leave are nothing more than acquaintances. But if you have those who do not forget about you when you prefer to spend time at home and are also present in your life, not only when you go out the door, then consider yourself lucky.

These are real friends known not only for joy but also for being at a distance but still not losing intimacy. It’s nice to know that you have people you can meet and hang out with, but at the same time, be sure that they will only go somewhere if you want to stay at home. Moreover, real friends will never judge you for your homely lifestyle—this is a natural, healthy relationship based on accepting each other’s differences and mutual respect.

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