Reasons Morocco believed to be more powerful than Algeria

Tensions between Morocco and Algeria are high, and the two nations are putting each other to the test in various ways, with Algerian naval maneuvers on the one hand and the Cherifian kingdom’s purchase of weapons on the other. Morocco, on the other hand, is believed to be much more strong than Algeria. Why?

The decision by Algeria to sever diplomatic ties with Morocco was met with a barrage of measures and acts on both sides. Indeed, Algiers has undertaken naval exercises near the Moroccan border, in addition to banning Cherifian planes from flying in its airspace.

An action that is associated with the Algerian army putting on a show of power. In exchange, the Moroccan press said that the monarchy had acquired advanced weapons.

Clearly, the two nations are putting each other to the test, and each is attempting to demonstrate their might. However, some key factors reveal that Morocco is much more “powerful” than Algeria.

Repatriation during Covid-19 pandamic

When the Coronavirus illness first broke out, all of the world’s nations barricaded themselves, avoiding any contact with China, which was identified as the pandemic’s birthplace, King Mohammed VI assumed responsibility for repatriating Moroccans.

Unlike other African monarchs, the sovereign did not want any of his people to die in a catastrophe distant from their families. These Moroccans, ill or healthy, had to be sent home.

The monarch hired a special aircraft to transport 167 Moroccans back to Morocco and then look after them. A bold move that came at a time when doomsday predictions accompanied the illness. One of the reasons why Morocco, like Algeria, has never competed with other African countries.

Algerians fleeing their nation

Another reason to think King Mohammed VI is much more influential than President Abdelmadjid Tebboune is “city affairs management,” or internal politics. Illegal emigration serves as an excellent illustration.

Ignacio Cembrero, a Spanish journalist, reported at the beginning of October that “In the week of 27th September to 3rd October, almost 1900 illegal migrants landed in Spain by sea.

Algerians made up 72 percent of those who came last week, or 1368 individuals, compared to Morocco’s 21%” (about 399)… “Approximately 4,000 Algerian people have managed to cross the Spanish shore in September, according to a member of the CIPMD mission in Almeria (Spain). Figures that speak for themselves.


Whoever says “power” also means “stable economy.” And a healthy economy needs a healthy infrastructure. The third day of the 2022 World Cup qualifiers revealed serious flaws in Algeria’s sports infrastructure administration.

The Algerian players have questioned the administration of their infrastructure after the encounter on Friday, 8th October, in which the Fennecs of Algeria atomized Niger (6-1). The disastrous grass of the Blida stadium, where the match was played, in particular. “It’s important to note that the field was severely damaged tonight. It was almost impossible to play. There is just sand in certain areas… After all, we’ve done, I don’t understand how we’ve ended up playing on a lawn like that. After all, we are African champions,” Riyad Mahrez stated in front of the press.

Morocco, on the other hand, plays and makes plays in stadiums with high standards and high-quality grass.

Overall, these statistics demonstrate that Morocco is much more strong than Algeria. Because, in the twenty-first century, a nation’s strength is evaluated not by weaponry or its proclivity to dispute and create hotbeds of tension, but by its capacity to govern its people, its land, and guarantee maximum fulfillment of its people’s complaints.

In the ranking of 2020 Global Firepower Military Strength for African, Egypt still maintains the first position of the most potent Military Strength in Africa, followed by Algeria while morocco comet to 6th position.

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