Signals a girl is dating you but seeking the best choice

Girls are not always honest with us. They agree to an offer to date to cope with feelings of loneliness or maybe out of boredom. But simultaneously, they continue to look at other guys to avoid missing the chance to find someone better.
Of course, it’s unpleasant to find yourself in such a situation and realize that you were just a “transitional link” in a girl’s life. To protect yourself from disappointment and not waste time, take a closer look at her actions: some actions are a sign that she is dating you but is looking for a better option.
10 signs that a girl is dating you but is looking for the best option
1. She doesn’t delete dating apps

It is unpleasant to notice that the dating app is still installed on the girl’s smartphone. It’s even more frustrating when you find her browsing other people’s profiles. This act can signify that she’s just keeping you around and still curious about other guys. The presence of dating apps can also indicate a psychological safety net:
If something goes wrong or a girl gets bored, she can arrange a new date. And don’t believe excuses like “I forgot to delete it” or “I’m just having fun,” especially if you’ve already said that dating apps have no place in a serious relationship.
2. She’s hiding you online
Not all people like to flaunt their relationships, and that’s okay. But if you feel like a girl is deliberately trying to hide you from her social network, then it’s worth considering. Perhaps she doesn’t mark herself in your photos, never comments on your posts, and deletes your compliments under her selfishness, not because she adheres to the principle of “Happiness loves silence.” She may claim that she doesn’t want drama or prying eyes, but excessive secrecy often signals that she’s using you as a backup.
3. She guards her phone too much
We all value a certain level of privacy. Constantly checking your phone is unhealthy and does not promote trust. However, it’s suspicious if a girl panics whenever you look at her smartphone or quickly turns off the screen when you approach her. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M . For the full article. She can assure you that she values her personal life, but don’t fall for it—healthy privacy and increased secrecy, which borders on panic and cunning, are two different things.
4. She puts her desires above your needs

Everyone has personal goals, hobbies, and passions. Balancing these with the partner’s needs is crucial for a full-fledged relationship. If you constantly have to sacrifice your time, comfort, or preferences to satisfy a girl’s plans and desires, it’s worth considering: Does she love you?
It may be convenient for her to take advantage of your kindness until someone better appears on the horizon. In addition, this behavior reveals the selfish side of a girl, especially if she does not neglect manipulation to get what she wants from you.
5. She’s threatening to break up
Quarrels happen in any relationship, but how you handle them says a lot. This is a bad sign if a girl quickly declares it’s time for you to break up, even with the slightest conflict. A person who appreciates the person next to him will not think about how to break off the relationship quickly; he will focus on how to come to a compromise and deal with the problem.
Such a straightforward declaration of separation signals that the girl is just trying to keep you in line or avoid responsibility for her actions. She’s not interested in a relationship with you and probably thinks plenty of worthy suitors are around for her heart.
6. She rarely plans anything in advance

A girl dating you while looking for a more profitable match will never discuss a future together or make plans. She’ll text you at the last minute, rarely adjusting to your schedule. She also doesn’t want to introduce you to her family and friends, which may weave you into her future.
7. She doesn’t make an effort to make you feel needed and loved
Small but meaningful gestures are required to make someone feel unique, needed, and loved: compliments, cooking a favorite dish, pleasant wishes, and hugs. Genuine care is consistently expressed and is always a consequence of sincere intentions.
But if a girl sees you as a “transitional option,” she won’t ask how your day went, but she’ll quickly forget about what you told her or about essential events in your life. She doesn’t want to invest in a relationship, try to support you and make efforts. She’s just comfortable being around you and getting whatever she wants.
8. She’s hot and cold

One day, she showers you affectionately; the next, she ignores you and becomes as cold as ice. This can be confusing and make you think hard about the reason. And the reason is simple: the girl is not too interested in a relationship with you but doesn’t want to break up yet. But believe me, you deserve constancy, respect, and care, not handouts in the form of warmth followed by rejection and insecurity.
9. She doesn’t consider you a priority
Everyone has different priorities: family, career, personal goals, and friendship. However, relationships also have a special meaning. But not for a girl looking for someone else while dating you. She will push you into the background, abandon her plans for other pleasures, and forget about special occasions. This scenario makes you feel unappreciated and insecure. Your emotional investment is not reciprocated, and this is depressing. It also signals that staying in such a relationship for a long time is not worth it.
10. She flirts with others and doesn’t try to hide it

It’s one thing to enjoy jokes and maintain friendly relations with people of the opposite sex, but it’s quite another to flirt openly, even though you have someone. If a girl allows herself to exchange phone numbers with other guys, behave too provocatively, or openly flirt even in your presence, run. This shows not only that you are an option for her, not a priority, but also a complete lack of respect for your personality.