‘sitting in ice cubes’: man spends over 2.5 hrs, breaking the world record

A Frenchman broke a world record by sitting in ice cubes up to his neck for no less than two hours and 35 minutes. Romain Vandendorpe kept it 40 minutes longer than his predecessor.

A laughing Romain Vandendorpe is released from his cold situation after breaking the record
© AFP – A laughing Romain Vandendorpe is released from his cold situation after breaking the record

According to local media, the 34-year-old care worker sat for more than 2.5 hours in a Plexiglas cabin in Northern France, in the company of 1500 kilos of ice. He had trained himself with ‘neurocognitive techniques’ in ‘overcoming human boundaries’ according to his own words.

Romain Vandendorpe break world record in sitting in ice bath that reaches shoulders
©AFP – Romain Vandendorpe break world record in sitting in ice bath that reaches shoulders

Vandendorpe would be able to bring himself into a state of ‘daydreaming’ with ‘imagination and concentration’.

Sitting in an ice-cold jacuzzi, a large freezer, or the snow in ski resort Chamonix turned out to be good preparation. The money he earns from the record goes to the treatment of children with cancer.

The Dutch ‘Ice Man’ Wim Hof has held the world record several times. An Austrian last September kept it up for 2.5 hours in ice cubes, but they did not reach all the way to his shoulders.

Romain Vandendorpe
©AFP – Romain Vandendorpe
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