The spiritual resolutions every Christian should make for the year 2022!

Who says new year, says new resolutions! God offers you the opportunity to start from scratch with Him: seize this grace today! Sanctification, consecration, intimacy with Jesus: these are some of the spiritual commitments that every Christian should make for 2022!

➡ Resolution n°1:

Spend more time in prayer in order to develop my intimacy with God.

➡ Resolution n°2:

Read my entire Bible in a year.

Resolution n°3:

Flee from sin and be intransigent with my flesh to discipline it!

Resolution No. 4:

Seek the depth and no longer settle for the minimum with Christ!

Resolution n°5:

Make sanctification and consecration priorities in my life!

Resolutions no. 6:

Consult Christ before each of my choices.

Resolution No. 7:

Bring souls to Christ!

Resolution n°8:

No longer be ashamed of belonging to Jesus and be a living testimony!

Resolution n°9:

Launch a project for God and be a tool at the service of the Kingdom and the Gospel!

Resolution No. 10:

Make friends in Christ.

➡ Resolution n°11:

Change my faults into qualities and let the Holy Spirit transform me!

➡ Resolution n°12:

Ask God to reveal my calling and my gifts to me!

Resolution n°11:

Love Jesus more than my own life!

And you, what are the spiritual commitments you want to make in this new year?

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