These African countries have the best roads in 2019

These 13 African countries had the best roads in 2019, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF), Namibia stand at the top place, followed by Egypt and Rwanda.

The Africa Facts Zone posted the list, according to the World Economic Forum, of 2019 rankings on “Quality of road infrastructure” of African countries with the best roads.

These African countries have the best roads in 2019
Windhoek Namibia

On the list, Namibia is at the head of the nations of the black continent, which can boast of a good road network. Egypt comes second, while Rwanda is at the third place. The other top states in the list are Morocco, Mauritius, and South Africa.

These African countries have the best roads in 2019

Here are the top 13 African countries with the best routes:

  1. Namibia
  2. Egypt
  3. Rwanda
  4. Morocco
  5. Mauritius
  6. South Africa
  7. Senegal
  8. Kenya
  9. Tanzania
  10. Algeria
  11. Seychelles
  12. Eswatini
  13. Cape Verde
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