These were the most visited pages on Wikipedia in 2019

The online encyclopedia Wikipedia has published pages that attracted the most visitors in the past year. It is notable that people around the world – these are English-language pages – mainly looked for information about films, TV shows, and video games.
No less than 260 billion times in the past year, people searched for information on Wikipedia. The entire top film in the past year is ‘Avengers: Endgame’, which turned out to be the most searched film on Google as well.
Not surprising, because it was already the most successful feature film of all time. They also proved popular: dead celebrities, singer Billie Ellish and information about the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, perhaps sought out by viewers of the HBO series of the same name.
The ten most visited pages:
- Avengers: Endgame – 43,847,319 page views
- Deaths in 2019 – 36,916,847 page views
- Ted Bundy – 29,062,988 page views
- Freddie Mercury – 26,858,123 page views
- Chernobyl disaster – 25,195,814 page views
- List of highest-grossing films – 24,547,640 page views
- Joker (2019 film) – 22,062,357 page views
- List of Marvel Cinematic Universe films – 21,467,603 page views
- Billie Eilish – 19,638,478 page views
- Keanu Reeves – 16,622 .576 page views
The full list of 5,000 (!) Most popular articles can be viewed here.