Things that affect your energy level

Lack of energy is a common problem, typical not only for workaholics or those who are tired of life. Even after a good rest and a lazy day, you still feel like you have no strength. To avoid losing energy during the day and feeling refreshed, it is important to be aware of several things that affect it.

6 things that affect your energy level

1. Sleep disorders

Adults need to sleep seven to nine hours a day to feel good. If you spend enough time sleeping but still wake up tired, you may be sleeping restlessly. Sleep disorders such as apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, or restless legs syndrome reduce energy levels and cause many other health problems.

2. Exercises

You probably won’t want to do even the shortest and simplest warm-up when you feel tired. Because of the lack of energy, you can’t bring yourself to walk from work or get up from the couch once again. But you must force yourself to engage in physical activity despite the fatigue. The fact is that when you move, your body releases many hormones, including adrenaline.

It makes your body ignore the pain and fatigue while increasing blood flow to large muscles. As a result, exercising can bring you more energy than relaxing on the couch, and this effect will last longer. But it mustn’t be too stressful. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M . For the full article .Otherwise, you’ll only worsen things. Stretching, taking a short walk, doing bodyweight exercises, and cleaning should be resorted to when you feel your strength is leaving you.

3. Social media

Social media can be a source of energy, but sometimes, it’s because of them that you feel exhausted. Let’s deal with everything in order. When you chat online with old friends or just nice people, you get energized and in a good mood. The same effect is produced by photographs that remind you of pleasant moments in life and interesting films and TV series. But if your social networks are filled with posts and subscription to people who arouse envy, they negatively impact your health.

It is often the unpleasant feelings that you experience when logging online that exacerbate mental problems and symptoms of diseases, such as anxiety or depression. Aimlessly scrolling through the news feed, which many people perceive as a way to relax and take a break, is also harmful. It does not charge the brain but only leads to a waste of mental energy.

4. Carbohydrates

Calories are the main source of energy for the body. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are the three macronutrients your body needs. If you exclude foods that contain them from your diet, you will quickly notice how your strength disappears. Don’t believe the homegrown nutritionists who tell you that carbohydrates are an endless evil that needs to be fought.

There are two types of these trace elements: simple ones, which quickly raise blood sugar levels, and complex ones, which take a long time to digest and lead to a gradual increase in glucose levels. So, by including foods with complex carbohydrates in your diet, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, you help your body get more energy.

But simple carbohydrates like sweets and sugary sodas are worth abstaining from: their use leads to a sharp jump in energy, ending in recession and fatigue. But if from time to time you still want to eat a cake or white bread, do it because too strict dietary restrictions negatively affect the psyche and contentment with life. The bottom line is that maintaining a balanced diet that includes simple and complex carbohydrates will help you stay energetic.

5. Breaks

When you’re loaded with work tasks, taking a break is not always possible. And it happens that, while doing everyday things, you can hardly allocate time for rest. But if you take the time to take breaks during the day, you’ll notice how your energy levels are noticeably rising. Be sure to pause between tasks to be completed, but not to scroll through your social media feed or browse online store offers, as the rest is exhausting. Instead, go outside, stretch, refresh yourself, or call a friend to chat — these activities will help recharge your energy and increase concentration.

6. Diseases

Many diseases make you feel tired. These include anemia, celiac disease, hypothyroidism, and heart disease. If you constantly feel that you don’t have enough energy, then you should go to the doctor to find out if you have serious health problems. This should especially be done if fatigue is accompanied by other symptoms: shortness of breath, sudden changes in weight, impaired thinking, or chest pain.

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