This is best vegetarian and vegan restaurant in the world

After the first day of the International Week of Fruit and Vegetables started yesterday, the best veggie and vegan restaurant has also been announced by We’re Smart. This organization, led by vegetable chef Frank Fol, wants to bring people and companies together who are healthy, ecological, and sustainable, and this year chose Culina Hortus from Lyon (France) and Vanilla Black from London (United Kingdom) as the winners.

We don’t need to tell you that you can eat well without a piece of meat. Chef Frank Fol, who has been leading the We’re Smart World project for several years, publishes the We’re Smart Green Guide, an online guide to the best vegetable restaurants.

In addition, 964 vegetable restaurants worldwide are ranked with – appropriately – 1 to 5 radishes. “We rank each restaurant from 1 to the highly-rated 5 radishes based on the creative use of seasonal ingredients, the percentage of fruit and vegetable dishes on the menu, and various other sustainability criteria.”

The 2020 edition features reviews and ratings from 178 brand new restaurants in 5 new countries, bringing the total to 964 restaurants in 43 countries around the world.

Best veggie restaurant: Culina Hortus in Lyon

The award for the best vegetarian restaurant this year went to Culina Hortus in Lyon (France). The brainchild of the French culinary duo Thomas Bouanich and Maxime Rémond, with the young and talented Adrien Zedda as a chef, is the new gastronomic address for Haute – and 100% vegetarian – cuisine.

Frank Fol: “Although Adrien Zedda is only 26 years old, he can already be regarded as one of the best chefs in the world. At Culina Hortus, he transforms vegetables into a true feast in an exceptionally creative way, with refined, balanced, healthy, and above all delicious dishes.”

“The deserved winner of We’re Smart Best Veggie in the World 2020 and a well-deserved 5 radishes!”

Adrien Zedda, chef at Culina Hortus: “I am very proud and moved with our election as the best vegetarian restaurant in the world. This award is wonderful recognition for the whole team and myself for the work we do year after year with a lot of commitment and love for the profession and our customers.”

“Like all chefs, I am passionate about the product I work with. In my case, these are vegetables, in all their diversity, in terms of taste, color, and texture.”

Best vegan restaurant: Vanilla Black in London

Vanilla Black in London (Great Britain) won the award for the best vegan restaurant. Chef Andrew Dargue and his wife Donna Conroy founded Vanilla Black because they wanted to challenge not only views of vegetarian cuisine, but healthy food in general.

Frank Fol: “It is fantastic to discover that vegan can also be top gastronomy. The surprising combinations, textures, and flavors – without seeing a piece of meat – are enough to convert even the most ardent meat-eater. Andrew Dargue and his team are, therefore, the deserved winner.”

Andrew Dargue, Chef at Vanilla Black: “As a team, we are passionate about pushing the boundaries of vegan cuisine. This award inspires us to continue and further develop our creativity. ”

The awards for We’re Smart Best Vegetarian Restaurant World 2020 and We’re Smart Best Vegan Restaurant World 2020 were presented online this year due to the corona crisis.

Hopefully, we can enjoy it in real life soon!

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