What did the great conqueror Genghis Khan miscalculate, and Why did the Mongol Empire fall

In 1995, The Washington Post called Genghis Khan the “man of the millennium.” Of course, this was a controversial choice because his conquests led to the death of millions of people and the devastation of many cities. Still, they united vast territories, allowing trade to flourish on the Silk Road, thus connecting East and West.

world. What were the great conqueror’s miscalculations that led to the fall of the mighty Mongol Empire?

in 1162 AD. At that time, Mongolian society was divided into often warring tribes. One of the wars claimed the life of Temujin’s father when the boy turned 10 years old, and his mother, brothers, and sisters were expelled from their tribe and had to survive on their own in th

ew up, he showed himself to be a skilled and fierce warrior. When trying to capture the former tribe members, he kills his older half-brother and saves his wife from th

ation census. He also sought to end any strife between the Mongols by abolishing disputed hereditary titles of nobility and ending the enslavement of his fellow men.

China. Still, before his conquest, the Mongol ruler decided to secure the eastern border by capturing the Tangut kingdom of Xi Xia, which was located between his possessions and China.

ed for a while, waiting out the unbearable heat, and then moved with his army to China. After the capture of the Jin dynasty, Khanate of Khiva in Turkestan followed.

plundering conquered territories, controlling lucrative trade routes, and taking revenge on personal enemies.

ngols were highly developed then, but they had separate formations and internal disagreements, which the Mongols successfully used. Since China existed at that time as two separate entities

fect the enemy in open terrain.

voluntary surrender or complete devastation. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M . For the full article .Cavalry attacks and skillful arrow shooting allowed the Mongols to deliver crushing blows to the enemy’s scattered forces. Those who surrendered without a fight could count on good conditions and attracted other soldiers

limate change.

s alive, the civil and economic systems of the conquered territories remained fragmented and fragile, united solely by the ruler’s authority. After Genghis Khan’s death, the Mongols quickly adapted to governance. By

a period of relative peace and stability within the Mon

If the Mongols tried to impose their culture without considering local traditions in the early periods of their conquests, local customs began to prevail in different territories of the Mongol Empire over

tribute and the treatment of the local population depended on the circumstances that led to the territory’s annexation. Those who surrendered voluntarily had more freedom and could expect better treatment.

ed the empire and strengthened control over the conquered lands, but soon, he was overtaken by drunkenness. He died 14 years after Genghis Khan’s death.

mpire, Guyuk also died.

shed territory in the Mediterranean, and removed all his competitors from the family.

ur-year civil war for the throne, which ended with Kublai’s victory. However, he was never elected by the council of nobles, which made his position suspicious among the Mongols even after he became the great Khan.

tempts to maintain the superiority of the Mongols. He proved he could reconcile the Chinese to foreign rule, but his extravagance was resented. He continued his attempts at conquest, which did not bring new territories to the Mongol Empire, and some turned into real disasters for the Mongols.

ongol army. This became one of the greatest naval disasters in world history and brought the fall of the Mongol Empire closer.

istance of the Mongols. The Mongol nobility and Chinese farmers became increasingly hostile to each other. The danger of rebellion grew, and by 1368, the Yuan Dynasty supplanted the Ming Dynasty.

is son t5. Later, Jochi significantly expanded these possessions.

endants of Batu were influenced by the Turkic and Islamic peoples they ruled.

everal smaller states during the 1400s.

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