On the beaches of the Spanish holiday island of Mallorca, criminals steal phones, handbags and wallets from under the noses of tourists. YouTuber Gaviota 007 filmed their method to warn tourists.
“Secret Agent Gaviota 007” and his friends say “on a mission to stop theft, misconduct, prostitution and drugs on Mallorca”.
In six videos, the self-proclaimed civilian guards show how the criminals crawl on their stomachs over the beach to steal valuable objects, robbing drunken or dormant tourists, and even stealing freeman couples on the beach. They lie in wait night and day.
“The hustlers and prostitutes belong to the same gang who hang out at the bars in the early hours to shake the night graves,” says a Brit who runs a bar on Mallorca. “The women throw their arms around young men, clearly in the wind through the drink, and they rob them while they are distracted.”
Watch them here