With these tricks you can remove cat and dog hair from your furniture

Are you the lucky owner of a cat or other furry friend? Then the furniture is probably regularly covered in hair. You can combat this with a vacuum cleaner, but some clever tricks with which you can wipe dog and cat hair off your furniture in no time.

We offer a few essential tips and tricks to assist you with cleaning up after your cherished pet.

With a scouring pad

Everyone has one in the cupboard under the pump sump: a simple scouring pad. In addition to washing dishes, it is also useful for sweeping loose dog and cat hair from furniture. Don’t get the sponge wet: bone dry, this hack works best. Then wipe all the hairs together with the rough part of the sponge. Be careful not to press too hard on the fabric to avoid damaging it. Once you have gathered all the hairs, pick them up and throw them in the trash.

Rubber gloves

Do you use those yellow rubber gloves when doing dishes or doing other household chores? They are also ideal for removing dog or cat hair. The non-slip rubber ensures that the hairs come off the fabric of your furniture easily when you wipe them. That’s how it happened!

A moist chamois

Another handy trick is to wet a chamois. A little bit of water is enough to wipe the hairs away. Wring out the chamois well to avoid unnecessary water spots and then gently wipe the fabric on which the strands are. Be careful with materials that do not tolerate water well.

A tractor for the windows

If you don’t have all the above means at home, there is always the squeegee that you use to dry the windows. Pull it over the fabric and gather all the hairs together. Voilà, your seat and chairs are hair-free again.

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