Woman murders two of her children in cold blood

The events occurred during the early hours of Thursday, November 1. About half past six when a woman from Okmulgee County, Oklahoma in an attack killed two of her children. While they were sleeping, failing to kill her third daughter.
It all started when Amy Leann Hall, 39, went into her eldest son’s room, Kayson Toliver. A young promise of 18-year-old football and shot him at the head. Then she moved to the room of her two daughters. And fired on Kloee Toliver, a 16-year-old girl, the bullet hit the neck of the girl.
The youngest of her children got up after hearing the detonation, immediately the girl noticed what is going on. And managed to disarm her mother, who tried to shoot her. To protect herself the 14-year-old girl locked herself in the bathroom. And from there, she managed to convince the murderer to leave the house.
Unfortunately, Klooe Toliver died on Tuesday, November 6, of brain death. Authorities indicated that Hall confessed that she planned to kill his three children, but the minor ‘interrupted the plan’.
That same night Eddieson Baldridge, friend of Kayson Toliver, decided to spend the night with his friend and witnessed the criminal act. It was he who called 911 after witnessing the attack. “It was a normal night. She prepared dinner, she said good night and we went to bed.”
For his part, the father of the victims arrived at the scene when he received the sad news: “I do not know if there are any words that can express it. It is a horrible situation in every way,” he said. Meanwhile, the US Justice determines the legal status of the suspect. The school where the deceased youths went was kept closed on Thursday, November 8, in honour of the victims.