17 universities in Africa among 2018 World’s Best

17 African universities are among the best universities in the world. According to the QS World University Ranking 2018, Africa can look forward to being world-renowned in terms of knowledge.

Every year since 2000, QS World University Ranking publishes a list of the 1000 best universities in the world.

Dominated by American, European and Asian universities, 17 African universities are in the top 50 of the world rankings.

With first and second place Egypt and South Africa. According to the ranking, these universities are considered the best of African academic excellence.

The selection criteria are the perception of the establishment by the employers, the number of students per teacher or the number of teachers holding a doctorate.

The top 17 African universities listed in the world ranking of the best universities.

200 1 University of Cape Town public South Africa
381 2 University of the Witwatersrand public South Africa
405 3 University of Stellenbosch public South Africa
420 4 American University of Cairo private Egypt
521-530 5 Cairo University public Egypt
551-560 6 University of Johannesburg public South Africa
561-570 7 University of Pretoria public South Africa
701-750 8 Ain Shams University public Egypt
751-800 9 University of Kwazulu-Natal public South Africa
801-1000 10 Al Akhawayn University of Ifrane private Morocco
801-1000 11 Al Azhar University public Egypt
801-1000 12 University of Alexandria public Egypt
801-1000 13 Assisu University
801-1000 14 Northwestern University public South Africa
801-1000 15 Rhodes University public South Africa
801-1000 16 University of Nairobi public Kenya
801-1000 17 University of Western Cape public South Africa

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