2,000-year-old books about Jesus: Photo

In 2016, an examination succeeded in determining the age of lead books of religious content in ancient Hebrew. It turned out that the books, long thought to be forgeries, were written 2,000 years ago. Just look how well preserved they are!
Books made of lead plates sewn with wire perforations were discovered in 2008 by a Bedouin named Hassan Saeda. One version is that he inherited the books, while another claims that Seda fished them out of a river during a flood in the sparsely populated region of Jordan, where the first Christians fled after the suppression of the anti-Roman revolt in 70 AD.
Five years ago, physicists Roger Webb and Chris Jeynes from the British University of Surrey conducted a chemical analysis of the metal from which the artifact was made. The composition of the alloy on the basis of lead was identical to that of an ancient Roman lead plate found in England, which was about 2000 years old.
Isotopic analysis ruled out the possibility that the plates were made in the 20th and 21st centuries. Traces of corrosion also indicated that the plates were about two thousand years old.

The text of the books was provocative by modern standards: it asserted, for example, that the God in whom the prophet Jesus believed was both male and female and that the teachings of Christ were not a new religion but a revival of an ancient Jewish religious tradition dating back to the time of the legendary King David.
The books record the account of the appearance of God to the people during the prayer of Jesus Christ in Solomon’s temple. Also mentioned are the names of the apostles James, Peter, and John. One page has a portrait of Jesus for illustration.