During the interview, most of the job seekers try to establish themselves from the best side. They enthusiastically talk about their strengths, keeping silent about their weaknesses. This approach is erroneous: during the conversation, the recruiter should find out as much information as possible about you to independently conclude how suitable you are for the company. A candidate’s honesty can increase the employer’s trust in him and make it possible to adapt his experience and shortcomings to a new place.
5 negative qualities that a candidate should admit in an interview
Lack of concentration
Not all employees can focus on the same task over a long period. “There is no shame in not being able to concentrate. Feel free to tell your employer about it. Perhaps you can work together to come up with an effective solution. “
Most people have no problem concentrating — in fact, they have difficulty making a decision. Any project will become easier if you decompose it into points and remove everything that distracts you from the path. The businessman also believes that focusing is seriously hampered by the multitasking mode many employees work. Because of it, they waste time, psychic energy and, as a result, make mistakes in all directions.
Modern companies are more often interested in extroverts – people who can easily contact and establish business connections. In this context, shyness can be perceived as a negative quality. “If you are shy, don’t try to disguise it. An experienced recruiter will quickly recognize you as an introvert during a job interview. It is best to talk about it, which may not play a big role for the company. “
Of course, there are positions for which shyness is unacceptable: for example if you are applying for a sales manager position. In this situation, it is necessary to draw up an action plan to develop communication skills. To do this, you can sign up for personal development courses, classes in public speaking or acting,
Stress tolerance
Regardless of gender, age, or title, any employee is thrilled when a project is approaching a deadline. In such a situation, management pays attention to a person’s behavior: is he able to simultaneously solve several tasks, prioritize them, and is he able to cope with stress in a critical situation. If the applicant has poorly developed these skills, he can talk about how he learns to set reasonable goals for himself and not take on extra work to avoid letting the team down.
Excessive self-criticism
“Overconfidence is a flaw that harms both a person and his environment. If you refuse to acknowledge your weaknesses and are too self-centered, you will constantly make the same mistakes. Self-criticism protects against narcissism. “
However, self-criticism must fit within a healthy framework. Otherwise, its excess can limit personal growth. An adequate assessment of their abilities is especially important for beginners who are often prone to perfectionism and, therefore, may slow down in professional development.
Recognition of excessive self-criticism will help the candidate and the recruiter track how the employee’s self-esteem has changed, how he relates to his achievements, and what prevents him from being content with his successes.
Bad time management
The employer understands that not every new employee is a time management expert. However, the lack of this skill leads to the fact that a person does not have time to complete all assignments and misses deadlines. In extreme cases, this disadvantage can become a real problem.
This is why it is necessary to declare it in an interview, especially if your position involves working in a multitasking mode. To develop a useful skill, an employee can enroll in time management courses and learn from the experience of their colleagues, who will tell you how to distribute projects and submit them on time properly.
The story of any shortcoming should be accompanied by a story about how you are trying to cope with it: “Perhaps you have unique techniques that can help not only you but also your colleagues.” Recognizing their weaknesses allows a person to get rid of the illusion of their impeccability and relieve the psychological stress that often arises during interviews. Recruiters are impressed when a job seeker finds the courage to declare negative qualities. Such an act at least speaks of the honesty and openness of a person.