5 stories of individuals who succeed by taking matters into their hands

When faced with an issue, what do most individuals do? They strive to solve problems, but when they can’t, they give up. Some people let things happen on their own, while others seek assistance. And such individuals, those who will be regarded as an everyday population, will forever be a gray mass.

And only a tiny portion of mankind persists in attempting to solve issues, no matter how severe they seem to be. They make a difference not just in their own lives but also in the lives of others, and they even have an impact on history. Perhaps these folks will encourage you to keep going instead of giving up and delegating the duty to others.

Mariya Vasilyevna Oktyabrskaya

Mariya Vasilyevna Oktyabrskaya

Mariya Vasilyevna Oktyabrskaya and her family were evacuated to Tomsk, where she worked as a telephone operator, on June 23, 1941, the day following the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War. She learned that her husband had been killed in one of the fights in Ukraine towards the end of the summer of the same year. Mariya Vasilyevna then went to the military registration and recruitment office to request that she be sent to the front, but she was rejected owing to cervical tuberculosis and the fact that she was already old.

Mariya Vasilievna, on the other hand, refused to give up and was determined to fight until the very end. At the time, a campaign was initiated to gather cash for the defense fund’s equipment building. Mariya Vasilyevna sold all she had and worked for a few months before donating nearly everything to the charity. As a consequence, she was able to give 50 thousand rubles to aid the Nazis in their war.

She sent Stalin a personal letter in which she requested that he build a T-34 tank for her, name it “Fighting Girlfriend,” and send her to the front as the tank’s driver. After Stalin granted her request, Mariya Vasilyevna Oktyabrskaya received tank training and was sent to the front in 1943, where she fought until early 1944. She died of her injuries on March 15, 1944, and was posthumously granted the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on August 2, 1944.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk

Elon Musk, the creator of PayPal, wanted to buy rockets in 2001 so that he could continue developing spaceships based on them. He went to Moscow with Jim Cantrell, a mechanical engineer, to purchase Dnepr launch vehicles based on the RS-20 ICBM. He met with company personnel and negotiated during the forum, but he was unable to reach an agreement on a purchase, and Musk returned empty-handed.

But he did not give up and returned to Moscow, where he was given more attention this time, but they demanded an outrageous cost of $8 million for one missile, which Elon Musk could not afford. He then chose to build his own rockets and started SpaceX in 2002.

Musk persevered despite the trampoline jokes and other inappropriate humor, and on May 30, 2020, the Crew Dragon spaceship successfully carried two NASA astronauts into orbit. SpaceX is now working on multistage rockets that are less expensive than purchasing seats on Russian ships.

Dashrath Manjhi

Dashrath Manjhi

Dashrath Manjhi worked as a miner in the Indian town of Gehlaur. People had to go from the fields to the settlement through a perilous narrow mountain route. Dashrath’s wife went to deliver lunch to Manjhi in 1959, as she often did, but she tripped on a bad path, slid, and fell down a cliff, gravely injuring herself. She died after a while since there was no means to go to Wazirganj, the neighboring city, where the hospital was situated.

Not wanting anybody else to go through what he had, Dashrath picked up a hammer and chisel and started paving a new road to make the journey to Wazirganja safer. In the hamlet, he was mocked, and even his father mocked him for squandering his time.

But Dashrath persisted, and beginning in 1960, he excavated a route through the mountain, which he completed 22 years later, in 1982. The road to the city was cut from 55 to 15 kilometers as a result of this, and a quick and safe path was established not just for his community, but also for roughly 60 additional communities.

Ferruccio Lamborghini

Ferruccio Lamborghini

Ferruccio Lamborghini was fascinated by technology since he was a boy, and he showed exceptional talent in the design of mechanics. The Second World War, which wiped out Italy’s manufacturing economy, halted his development in this field. Realizing there was no place to wait for aid after the war, he developed a tractor for his father, who worked in agriculture. The legend of the tractor quickly traveled across Italy, starting at Renazzo, where it was invented. He gained a lot of money when he started an agricultural equipment firm, but he still enjoyed building mechanisms.

Lamborghini adored sports vehicles, particularly Ferraris. He realized the Ferrari 250Gt having clutch issues one day. A comparable feature was previously employed in Lamborghini tractors, but it was discontinued owing to the clutch’s poor durability. The subject was then brought up by Ferruccio Lamborghini, who met with Enzo Ferrari and informed him of the situation.

Enzo, who is notorious for his irritability, not only showed little interest but also attacked Ferruccio, claiming that the tractor maker had no right to critique sports vehicles.

Then, instead of carrying a grudge like the majority of people, Lamborghini opted to outperform Ferrari and produce a superior sports vehicle. He formed the new Automobili Lamborghini firm in 1963 and debuted the Lamborghini 350GTV barely four months later. From that point on, the renowned vehicle brand’s history started, and they consider it an honor to have the world’s wealthiest individuals in their garage.

Maurice Hilleman

Maurice Hilleman

Maurice Hilleman is a scientist from the United States who has created over forty vaccines throughout his career. For his daughter, he created one of them. His oldest daughter suffered mumps in 1963. There was no remedy for the sickness at the time, so Maurice took things into his own hands and created a vaccine that is still used today.

To do so, he removed a swab from the back of his daughter’s neck, brought it to the laboratory for culture, and started working on a vaccine against the rules. And he succeeded! As current microbiologists point out, such a thing is absolutely unimaginable in our day.

Vaccines against measles, hepatitis A and B, chickenpox, meningitis, pneumonia, and Haemophilus influenza have also been created by Maurice Hilleman. This guy has made it his life’s mission to save mankind. Maurice Hilleman is said to have saved at least 120 million lives, with the measles vaccine alone saving over a million people per year.

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