7 biggest turboprop aircraft in human history

Despite the development of jet engines, turboprop aviation is in no hurry to leave the air transportation market. Gigantic-sized machines with propellers on wings continue to plow the skies between and within countries, carrying huge cargo every day.

Today it’s time to remember the largest turboprop machines, specifically those that can boast the longest fuselage.

7 biggest turboprop aircraft

Short Belfast – 41.58 meters

Short Belfast
Short Belfast

British heavy turboprop cargo-passenger aircraft was developed in 1964 and used exclusively by the Royal Air Force. In 1966 it was the largest aircraft in its class. A total of 10 such machines were produced and released board for four years.

2. Canadair CL-44 – 41.73 meters

Canadair CL-44
Canadair CL-44

British turboprop airliner, constructed in 1969. In fact, this machine is the result of a deep modernization of the Bristol Type 175 Britannia. A distinctive feature of the liner is the ability to load through the “breaking” of the fuselage in the tail section.

3. Aero Spacel ines Super Guppy – 43.84 meters

Aero Spacelines Super Guppy
Aero Spacelines Super Guppy

One of the strangest aircraft in the history of the aviation industry. The first plane was created back in 1965. A total of four of these machines were produced. In addition to four propeller engines, the aircraft is also equipped with four solid rocket units. The latter was used only to take the plane off the ground. The Guppy freighter is still in use to this day.

4. Airbus A400M – 45.1 meters

Airbus A400M
Airbus A400M

Turboprop transport aircraft was introduced in 2009. The transporter is also used for the transport of goods. The main operators, of course, are the countries of the NATO military bloc. On board, the A400M can accommodate 120 people or 66 stretchers with accompanying medical workers.

5. Douglas C-133 Cargomaster – 47.01 meters

Douglas C-133 Cargomaster
Douglas C-133 Cargomaster

Douglas C-133 Cargomaster is another military transport aircraft of the United States. The machine is currently not in use. After all, it was produced as far back as 1956. At the same time, the turboprop aircraft became one of the most mass-produced in the history of its family. A total of 50 C-133s were made.

Tu-114 – 54.1 meters


The Soviet turboprop aircraft with four engines was produced in 1957. The 114th was designed on the basis of the strategic bomber Tu-95. The unique machine was and still is the fastest turboprop aircraft in the world. For this reason, both Tu-114 and Tu-95 are still used today.

An-22 – 57.3 meters


If you count by fuselage length, the largest turboprop aircraft in the world is the AN-22 of Ukraine. The heavy transporter was built to carry people as well as to airlift military equipment. It can carry 290 infantrymen or 120 paratroopers. The maximum payload reaches 80 tons. The aircraft is still in service. One such aircraft is in service with Ukraine.

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