7 myths about the age that is not true

With age, we change both physically and mentally. There are many myths and beliefs about what awaits us in the future. Fortunately, many of them do not correspond to reality. This article will learn which myths about age are not worth believing.

1. Wrinkles are the first sign of ageing

Yes, the older we get, the more often we encounter the appearance of wrinkles on the skin. However, dermatologists say that this is not the first sign of ageing. Many people first show other changes: the texture of the skin, colour, and skin stiffness.
Another interesting wrinkle myth is that persons who practically never smile may prevent wrinkles from appearing. Our facial motions significantly impact the development of wrinkles, particularly in the smile region. To get the latest stories, install our app here

Retinol products in your regular skincare routine, such as serums, day creams, and night creams, are being recommended

But do not deny yourself the pleasure of laughing and smiling.

Retinol eventually stimulates the production of collagen, which can help smooth out wrinkles, counteracting the flabbiness and loss of cheek volume that cause these wrinkles.

2. People become unproductive as they get older

Scientists from the companies Age Wave and Merrill Lynch, who conducted research on productivity and age, explained that we do not become less useful to society over the years.

With age, behavioural trends show that older people give and invest their skills, talents, time and effort either in work or in a cause they believe in. For example, a hobby or help in raising grandchildren. This in itself means that it is possible to be productive, competent and adaptable regardless of age. To get the latest stories, install our app here

When older people go to work or find a new hobby, adapting to a new environment or system means growing. The fact that many older people use employment opportunities and do interesting things shows that they are productive, competent and no less useful to society.

3. Ageing strongly depends on genetics

We have the opportunity to influence how we age by focusing on our environment, lifestyle and behaviour. The World Health Organization claims that 25% of our longevity depends on genetics. And this means that the remaining 75% depend on external factors and habits that we can control.

4. As we age, we become weaker

Certain functions may be lost with age, but much can be done to prevent or at least slow down physical ageing processes.

Yes, our body cells weaken, but healthy habits hinder this process. Physical exercises help to maintain the integrity of muscles and bones. Diet and aerobic exercise reduce the likelihood of poor health. And too much time spent watching TV in a sitting position will make a person weaker at any age.

5. 4-5 hours of sleep is enough for aged people

At any age, people should not skimp on sleep. We still have to sleep six to eight hours a night.

A sufficient amount of sleep keeps us healthy and alert and can also help reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases, improve overall mental well-being and get many other benefits.

6. The older a person is, the more meaningless it is to quit smoking

The longer we smoke, the harder it is to give up this habit. But this does not mean that there is a certain age at which you can put up with this bad habit.

Scientists at the Sanger Institute conducted a study that showed that even people over 70 who quit smoking recover damaged cells of the body. In addition, the rate of cell recovery in older people and younger participants of the experiment was no different.

Therefore, it is never too late to say goodbye to a bad habit to maintain your health.

7. As we become older, we become more likely to be depressed

According to a doctor, older people are not more likely to have depression than young people.

Depressions usually occur due to losses associated with ageing. People lose loved ones or friends, their individuality because they retire, or their physical strength decreases, and they cannot do things that interest them. To get the latest stories, install our app here

And depression can also be caused by taking medications to treat diseases that appear with age. But if we are healthy enough, active, and monitor our psychological well-being, the risk of depression does not increase with age.

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