Ferrari launches SUV in 2020

Ferrari wants 60 per cent of the models to be equipped with hybrid engines by 2022. The Italian company also plans to have its first SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle) in that year. This was reported by the new CEO of the iconic sports car brand, Louis Camilleri, at an investor meeting at the head office in Maranello.

In the coming years, Ferrari plans to release fifteen new models, including the first SUV, the Purosangue. Camilleri continues to aim for a doubling of the operating result in 2022 to 2 billion euros. That goal was expressed by his predecessor, who died in July, at Ferrari, Sergio Marchionne. According to Camilleri, this objective is “ambitious but feasible”.

Turnover should rise to 5 billion euros in 2022, from 3.5 billion euros last year.

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  1. These are the fastest street-legal exotic cars in production today. Not tuners, not race cars — just super fast super cars.

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